Last Light

Read Last Light for Free Online

Book: Read Last Light for Free Online
Authors: C. J. Lyons
Tags: Fiction:Thriller
about the Martin case.”
    “Why the rush on a case twenty-nine years old?” Lucy asked.
    “It’s a case the Justice Project brought to us,” Valencia answered. “One of their key witnesses is in hospice and if they can’t find evidence to support their appeal before she dies, their case dies with her. TK, you can fill Lucy in on the details on your way to Texas.”
    TK beamed at Tommy and Wash. “Told you, boots on the ground is the only way to go.”
    “May I have a word?” Lucy pulled Valencia out into the hall and closed the thick oak door behind her. “None of them has any investigatory experience. I can’t send them into the field.”
    “This isn’t the FBI. There aren’t going to be armed felons chasing them. It’s a simple matter of sitting down, drinking a few cups of coffee, teasing memories from people who may not have told the police everything they knew at the time of the original crime.”
    “Until you ask the wrong question of the wrong person and things turn ugly.”
    “Lucy.” She settled her hand on Lucy’s arm in an almost maternal gesture. “We’ve been doing this for years. So have the Doe Network, NamUs, the Southern Law Poverty Center, and all those other unsung heroes who volunteer their time to help victims get the justice they deserve. Most of the time, we don’t need to leave the building. It’s a simple matter of picking up the phone or going online.”
    “I’ll go,” Lucy decided, knowing Nick and Megan would be angry. This job was supposed to give her more time with them, not send her off to Texas with no notice on what was almost certainly a wild-goose chase.
    “We didn’t hire you as a field investigator. We hired you to lead. To build a team we can send out into the field when necessary. Like now.”
    Lucy was a lead-from-in-front type. Even when working with fully trained FBI agents who she trusted with her life, she would still take point, especially if it was dangerous.
    “A team of highly qualified investigators,” she argued. “Not a trio of amateurs.”
    “They’re the best we have, and the Justice Project doesn’t have time for us to waste.”
    Her tone had an edge; Lucy had insulted not only Valencia’s people but also the work to which she’d pledged her life. Lucy took the hint and backed down. “Well, Wash obviously isn’t going. What about the others? Do either of them have any training or experience in investigations?”
    “Tommy has fellowship training in forensics, specializing in abuse and sexual assault.”
    Lucy frowned. She couldn’t see the pediatrician being much help—maybe if they had live victims to interview or to do a forensic evaluation on, but not a case like this. Which left only TK, the former Marine MP whose military record had been almost totally redacted, even from Lucy’s Top-Secret clearance. All Lucy knew was that she’d served for eight years, including deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
    No wonder the woman tried to take charge. But TK didn’t radiate the command authority most of Lucy’s Marine friends did. Instead, an edgy energy sparked from the younger woman.
    “Why’d TK leave the Marines?” From Nick’s work, she knew all too well that many returning veterans had issues the military left untreated.
    “You’ll have to ask her. But it was an honorable discharge and she received several commendations. Including a Bronze Star.” Valencia stood even straighter than her usual perfect posture, ready to defend her team. Lucy liked that about her even if she didn’t appreciate the sudden change of plans.
    “I’ll take TK with me.” Former Marine MP, at least TK would know how to handle herself if things got rough. “That way I can evaluate her in the field.”
    Valencia’s smile told Lucy that the older woman had gotten exactly what she wanted. She’d have to watch this one—beneath all that elegance beat a heart of steel. “Sounds perfect. My assistant has the tickets booked. You leave in

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