INK: Fine Lines (Book 1)
be better if I just cooperate?” I feel so much better with him in the room. I know Eli will stop this madness.
    “NO, say nothing. Glass is going to try to twist your words, confuse you, and before you know it you will seem guilty of something I know you didn’t do.” Eli says it so emphatically that his eyes assume a wild quality.
    “Eli, I don’t even really know what they think I did. I’m already confused.” My words clearly frustrate him. He lets out a huff and runs his fingers through his black hair like he’s trying to clean the panic from them.
    “Shay, they think you murdered Gary and Alice,” he says plainly, pulling me into him again.
    “No!” I pull away to look at his expression, finding truth in it. The gravity of them being gone won’t sink in. Still, the thought of a murderer that close to my house is enough to frighten me. Shivers run through me, threatening at hysteria. My eyes become heavy with tears.
    “Eli, I love Alice. She’s the sweetest lady on the planet. She’s really been there for me since Mom died. Gary is an asshole but I still didn’t want him dead.” Eli can’t possibly believe I would have anything to do with this.
    “Shay, statements like that will get you locked up.” Eli’s frustration is growing. He knows I probably won’t listen to him. He also knows I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.
    “Why would they think I would do that?” I’m starting to realize there is some reason they must think I’m involved with the murder. Maybe I left something there yesterday when I was visiting.
    “Because when Simmons got to your house…” Eli pauses for a moment as though he’s searching for the right words. “Apparently your comic panels depict the entire murder scene.”
    I am speechless. I look at him incredulously. Is he serious? “Eli, that’s not possible.” I search my mind like the answers to my problems are in there. “It’s just a comic, not a pictorial of my neighbors’ demise.” I wait for him to show some understanding. I’m sure he’ll realize that this is all some sort of mistake.
    “Shay, your comic panels contain images from the crime scene that you would have to have been there to see.” He pleads with me, “We will talk later, but you say NOTHING when–” Eli is cut off by a tap on the window. “I’ve got to go; say  nothing .” He leans down and brushes his lips lightly on my cheek and breathes into my ear, “I’m going to make this all okay.”
    With these parting words, he knocks on the door. Before walking out he mouths, “I love you.”
    I can hear him on the other side of the glass, low and rumbling. I want to get closer to the sound of his voice. I go to the mirror and lean my hand on it. It warms slightly from the other side. A sad smile spreads across my face. I look up to where Eli’s eyes would be on the other side. The glass goes cold under my hand.

Chapter Eight
    When Eli reaches the observation room he ticks his head at Mark. “Thanks, man.”
    Shay presses her tiny fingers flat on the window. I match my hand with hers. Maybe I can send her some comfort. Maybe she can at least know I’m here for her. She’s looking up with a sad smile, too far up for her to be thinking about me. I drop my hand and look over at that tall fucker Eli.
    “Glass just came in and he’s on the way to question her.” Mark looks from Eli to me and back again. “Can you two play nice?”
    I can play nice. I imagine a round of ‘beat the Eli’ would be nice. Eli looks at me and then nods, fucking boy scout.
    Mark walks backwards to the doorway. “Be good or I’ll lock you both up.”
    As soon as Mark is out the door I move swiftly to Eli, pressing him up against the wall with my proximity. “Keep your hands off of her, Eli.”
    “Aiden, seriously, if you don’t stop it I’ll have you arrested for assaulting an officer of the court. You’ve made it clear that we aren’t friends anymore. I’m fine with

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