ships were locked in
orbit. When Garza switched them on, they engulfed the six pirate vessels in
invisible impenetrable auras of Hyper Flonium energy, which is harmless to
life, but impossible to break or even scratch. The Electro Magnetic Impulse
they sent out was limited to whatever they had a hold of.
to the pirates on board, their vessels were now cut off from their comrades on
the surface and no form of communication was possible. They had no control over
their vessels, so surprised as they were, could take no action; only sit there
and wait.
Cruise’s command, Glorainne maneuverers Infinity over to the other side of the
planet where the pirate vessels are in orbit after using the Cloak Zenith Veil
to render the vessel invisible. If the pirates had looked out of their portals
at a fully visible Infinity, they would have panicked and tried to use their
weapons against her. Their ammunition would have only rebounded off of the
invisible shield and destroyed their own vessels. Cruise was not so sure he
wanted to waste them all until he had a chance to talk to their commanders to
find out where they hail from, if there are more of them, and where their base
of operations is.
the surface the pirates that had commandeered the planet were still in
communication with each other, but none of them could contact their vessels.
is a strange event,” grumbled Makuv, pirate leader of the ground assault, in
his native tongue.
second in command, Hujikom, checked his communicator. “We may be in the middle
of a sun storm. It might be interference from the solar winds. Remember,
Commander, this planet has three suns.”
bad fortune,” replied the Commander. “But we should be finished here soon and then
we will load all of the precious ore onto all of the spacecrafts and be on our
way. We were ordered to leave an army here to ensure the stability of our
efforts. This planet is now the property of The Subjugator.”
the pirate ground crew could not communicate with their spacecrafts, that
didn’t stop Jera from tuning in to their frequency so that their conversations
could be heard by the whole crew and translated with the Universal Language
Decipher Unit.
Captain,” spoke up Jera, “These pirates are Ergaddi.”
when the occasion calls for it,” responded Cruise.
Captain,” says Caleo. “Only in formal arrangements, as a rare delicacy such as
weddings, and funerals. They’re not usually the partying kind.”
I for one do not plan to be partying with them,” replies Cruise.
I ask, Captain,” speaks up the First Officer Geyruk, “What is to be the next
course of action?”
wipes his forehead and turns to his first officer. “I want you and Caleo to locate
every Ergaddi being on the planet. I want to know their exact coordinates.”
Biological Organism Detector was activated and set to the Ergaddi race. The
Ergaddis had a bone structure that included oversized shoulders and long webbed
toes. That meant they were strong swimmers and somewhat frog-like.
necks were very short and some almost had no necks. They had no hair whatsoever
on any part of their bodies. The pigmentation of their skin was yellow with
brown and green strokes and contours and their eyes were like the eyes of a
cat. The detector was set to the proper specifications in order to locate the
Ergaddi species.
total number of Ergaddis is seven hundred and fifty two, Captain,” answered
Geyruk as he looks down at the device’s screen. “Looks like they are scattered
among all of the mines as guards to ensure they work hard.”
their spacecrafts now,” said Cruise, still staring at the tiny indications of
Ergaddi presence on the planet. “I want to know how many of their crews are
still on board their crafts.”
retrieves the data and Geyruk responds. “Out of all six spacecrafts, Captain,
fifty crew members on

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