impossible for humans or humanoids without
being killed.
eyes the compound where the leaders are. “So far they have no idea what is
about to befall them.”
you ready to communicate, Captain?” Asks Geyruk. “The A.I. Broadcasting Piercer Projector will use the frequencies inside the
bunker to project your hologram and voice. If you use the Universal Language Decipher Unit, you can speak normally and
the unit will simultaneously translate what you say into their tongue.”
I know that, Geyruk,” frowns Cruise. “At times you can be a little over
explanatory, you know.”
Captain, I just wanted to be sure you understood the process,” glowers Geyruk.
understand every infinitesimal gadget in the Twelve Galaxies Cluster,” responds
Cruise. “If I didn’t I would not be capable of commanding Infinity. She is, in
reality, an artificially intelligent entity herself, and will instantly correct
any miscalculation on my part. Now keep your details to yourself as far as I am
concerned and continue briefing the other crewmembers who need your help.”
was not happy with Cruise’s reply, but he didn’t press the issue any further.
gives the order to set up the Combat Trauma Pulsator, which creates an
invisible pulse that will knock out the front line of commando guards rendering
them unconscious. They all watch as Garza and his assistants take care of the
guards, which are spread out within a radius of one hundred hectons, or about a
hundred meters.
    *Har: A
universal measure of time in the Twelve Galaxies Cluster equal to an Earth
second, but slightly longer.
that the guards are out of the way,” says Cruise as he stands there with arms
folded, “Let me speak to those Ergaddis in that bunker. I hope that 4-D A.I. Broadcasting Piercer Projector is ready.”
    Standing in front of the
projector so that the camera can catch his image, Cruise gives the signal by lifting
his right hand and dropping it like a blade coming down fast. “This is Prince Cruise
Liberty, supreme commander of all of the forces of the Kingdom of Twelve
Galaxies Cluster. You are surrounded. Your pirate warriors have been engaged
and have fallen inside and outside of the mines. Your spacecrafts have been
rendered powerless to respond and are being boarded by hundreds of my troops.
Surrender now and no one needs to die. Resist and we will reduce you and your
spacecrafts completely into ashes.”
    The message was
simultaneously interpreted into the Ergaddi tongue. All they could do was wait
for a reply.
    “What is happening?” the
Ergaddi commander says with widened eyes. “Why are we seeing this image? Where
is it coming from?” The Ergaddis fire their death ray weapons on the image, but
only succeed in blasting a large hole in the wall.
    “Drop your weapons and
come out with your hands in the air or else,” warns Cruise. “Any more
resistance will end badly for you.”
    The pirate commander
inside the bunker tries communicating with his warriors but to no avail. “We
have no choice,” he wails. “We have to surrender to these creatures who should
be our slaves.”
    “I heard that remark,”
said Cruise, the translation still going on. “You have ten time hars* to come
out or we will storm the bunker you are in.”
    “Wait,” shouts the voice
of the commander from inside in his native tongue. “We’ll come out.”
    “Our instruments show
that there are fifty two of you here at this location. Thirty of them were your
guards. They have been rendered unconscious. I want to see a head count of
twenty two.”
    The Ergaddi come out of
the bunker without their weapons with their hands up. Their cat-like eyes
search the faces of Cruise and his team as the commandos lined up with their
weapons ready to fire at the slightest command from their leader.
    The Ergaddi pirate leader,
recognizing Cruise from his hologram image inside the bunker, starts to walk
straight towards him as he

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