Infinite Love
I’ll always worry about you so that’s my problem, that’s just who I am. Punching me, I told you to, you needed to get some anger out. Anyway, those weren’t proper punches, my eighty-one year old grandma hits harder than that,’ he smiled. I giggled before my face fell, then I sighed as I traced the purple smatters all over his pecs.
    ‘Do they hurt?’
    ‘Not as much as seeing you in so much pain. What can I do?’
    ‘Nothing that you’re not already doing,’ I advised with a smile. I’d come home on Saturday morning and stayed in bed since then. Everyone had taken it in turns to come and sit on the bed to keep me company between my sleeping and crying. Except Gabe. Gabe hadn’t left my side since we’d got home.
    ‘I’m sorry I left you alone. I thought you were sleeping again so I took a quick shower. When I heard you scream …’ he shook his head.
    ‘No, I’m sorry, now I’m affecting you as well. You can’t stay with me twenty-four-seven, Gabe.’
    ‘Hey, don’t apologise. Whatever you need to do to deal with this is ok with me. You have all of us here, ok? Georgie had to leave this morning and didn’t want to wake you, but everyone else is here. Are you sure you’re up to this big dinner?’ He frowned as he looked at me. Mum and Gerry were staying in my old room at Lexi’s, and Robert and Sofia had flown over Friday night. Mum had suggested cooking here for them, so I felt safe in my own home without having to go out. She’d invited Doug and Lexi too, to try and give me something to look forward to, to take my mind off everything.
    ‘Yes, dinner with everyone would be nice. I can’t sit here crying all the time.’
    ‘What’s upsetting you the most?’ he asked before kissing my forehead again.
    ‘How helpless I was, I took self-defence Gabe, and it wasn’t enough and then Milo … I just can’t get past …’ I inhaled sharply and fluttered my hands in front of my eyes, trying to stop more tears.
    ‘Sssshhhh. I know how you feel on both fronts, Mia. Adam targeting you was pure randomness, which not only lead to him taking you, but also to my accident. I couldn’t have prevented him running me down any more than you could have fought off a bigger guy prepared to drug you. And as for Milo, it was tragic that your friend died trying to help you, but you’re no more responsible for his death than I am for Mum’s, ok? You won’t let me blame myself for that, I’m not going to let you blame yourself for this. Grief, that’s normal, but not blame. I don’t want you to go through life feeling the way I did over something out of your control.’ He picked my hands up and kissed my bruised wrists.
    ‘I love you so much,’ I whispered as some stray tears rolled down my cheeks.
    ‘I love you too,’ he smiled as he wiped my tears away. ‘More than you’ll ever know.’
    ‘Can I kiss your bruises better too?’
    ‘Sure,’ he smiled and straightened up. I ran my fingers over them first and saw his chest rising and falling rapidly to feel my touch on his bare skin. We’d not even kissed on the lips since I’d left him to go to the gym that night, let alone had sex or sexual touching. I think he was scared of frightening me and I was scared that I’d freak out the minute he climbed on top of me, which would upset him. I leaned in and gently ran my lips over the biggest one and heard him groan. I moved and lay a little trail all the way across, making sure I got each one and I felt his hands move tentatively into my hair. ‘Baby,’ he sighed.
    ‘Gabe, make love to me,’ I whispered as I straightened up and looked into his eyes. ‘I need you.’
    ‘I’d love to,’ he smiled, but he looked sad.
    ‘But you’re not going to, are you,’ I sighed.
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘Because you’re still traumatised, Mia. I’m worried that I may make you feel worse. Plus, there are six people all waiting out there looking forward to seeing you, and you’re not the quietest

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