Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5
ten and weighs a hundred and seventy-five pounds. Lives alone in Sedona, Arizona. Owns one cat and two goldfish.”
    Barney blinked. “That’s a bit more than I told you.”
    Casey Lee merely smiled. “I know.”
    Barney shook his head and followed the two mercs into the airport. Working with them was going to be interesting. Casey Lee had access to information not even Barney could get ahold of easily. “Remember, when we get there, I do all the talking.”
    “Got it. You’re the official honcho, the man with access, yadda yadda.” Derrick pulled onto I-76 heading east. “What’s the plan other than interrogating Shields?”
    “Wing it. I have no idea yet what we’re walking into, but if it comes down to it you two are now working for me. Anyone gives you grief you send them my way.”
    “I like that.” Casey Lee leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. “I stick my ass out, you cover it.”
    The visual had Barney smacking Casey Lee on the back of his very hard head. “Damn, your skull is made of concrete.”
    “That’s what his mama always says.” Derrick grinned at his partner.
    “Speaking of which…” Casey Lee lowered his arms. “You okay leaving Heather behind?”
    “Nope, but it has to be done. She understands, thank God.” She would be a good mate eventually. She’d never once backed down or showed fear of his size, something that made him surprisingly proud of her. Anyone else giving him that kind of sass would have been on the wrong end of his claws, but his itty bitty mate just made him laugh.
    Maybe it was the itty bitty part. Who did she think she was she kidding? She couldn’t beat up the Pomeranian he’d compared her to, let alone a full-grown Grizzly shifter. But she still stood up to him, her little shoulders thrown back like she was daring him to start something.
    Derrick sniffed, his lip curling in disgust. “Can you stop thinking about your mate?”
    Casey Lee rolled the window down. “Some days I hate being a shifter.”
    Barney snarled. “Dickheads.” It was considered somewhat rude to mention another shifter’s arousal, but he doubted that mattered to these two.
    “Please don’t mention dicks right now.” Casey Lee stuck his nose out the window and breathed deep. “Ah, Philadelphia funk at its finest. Still better than what’s in the car right now.”
    “Wait until you find your mates.” Barney smiled, making sure his fangs showed. “I’m going to torture you two.”
    “Aw, we love you too, brother.” Casey Lee winked and turned back toward the open window.
    “Can you close that?” Derrick winced and put one hand over his right ear. “I feel like one half of my head is a drum and your open window is the drumstick.”
    Casey Lee rolled the window up, grumbling about dick smell the entire time.
    “Fuck off.” Barney closed his eyes and prayed they hit the airport before he killed the Fox in the front seat.

Chapter Five
    The ringing of the front door startled Heather. She’d been so engrossed in her book she hadn’t realized how much time had passed.
    “Heather, get the door for me!” her mother yelled from the kitchen, where she’d disappeared to with Heather’s father some time ago.
    “Okay, got it.” She put her book down and padded barefoot to the front door. She grinned as she swung it wide open. “Bunny!”
    She laughed as he mimicked her. “What’s up, cuz?” She let the big, burly Grizzly in, delighted to see him. It had taken her some time to get over her fear of him, but now she was glad every time she saw him. He’d protected her when no one else could, and she was grateful for that.
    “Um.” Bunny scratched his bald head. “Yeah. See, Barney left for Arizona about an hour ago. He wanted me to let you know so you didn’t worry about him when he didn’t stalk you for a few days.”
    “He did what ?” Heather tapped her foot and glared at Bunny. She ignored the whole stalking thing. After all, keeping an eye

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