Hunter's Fortune (River Jewel Resort Series Book 2)

Read Hunter's Fortune (River Jewel Resort Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Hunter's Fortune (River Jewel Resort Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Madison Sevier
see the magnificent Ohio River and she watched as barges made their way through the locks and onto their destinations. Some were loaded with coal, while others were empty and on their way to pick up another load.
    “How can anyone not appreciate such beauty?”
    Hunter asked herself the same question. Hadn’t she been so involved in Golde Trucking that she’d actually checked out of real life? Her existence seemed to revolve around what business accounts she could get her hands on and how much money she could make. Now, who knew what would happen? She’d spent the last decade of her life dependent on the company. Strangely, the company she’d put everything into, was now turning its back on her.
    Her cell phone jingled and shook her out of her reverie and it took a moment to locate it in the large suite.
    “Hunter, it’s Sam. I’ve got some information for you, but you might want to sit down.”
    “Well, good morning to you, too. Alright, I’m sitting. Might as well get this over with. Do you know where my money is?”
    “Of course, I do. Our investigators easily picked up the trail. It’s just as you thought, Giles has multiple accounts located around the world. Presently, he’s been apprehended in Germany and they’ll be escorting him to the nearest airport to be flown back to America soon.”
    “I knew it! Although, I figured he’d be on some sandy beach sipping drinks, but I knew it was him. Who else would have the smarts to rob me blind!”
    “Hunter, I’m afraid he didn’t do it alone.”
    “What do you mean? Who helped him?”
    “I’m not sure to what extent yet, but Jason was also apprehended when they located Giles. They were together.”
    “Together? In Germany? Why would Jason be in Germany?”
    “Um, they wer e togethe r .” Sam emphasized.
    Hunter sat there with her mouth wide open, unable to believe her ears!
    “Please tell me you’re joking, Sam.”
    “I’m sorry, I really am. But, rest assured, we’ll recover every dime that we can and these men will be rotting in prison for a long time.”
    They hung up after discussing a few more details and Hunter sat there visibly shaking as the betrayal washed over her. She wasn’t surprised about Giles. Of course her accountant was a weasel. But, Jason? Sure, they’d had their problems, but never would she have imagined her boyfriend was bi-sexual. Not that Hunter had a problem with anyone’s sexual preference, but to have been lied to and destroyed like this was the worst.
    She dumped out her cold coffee and found herself tempted to open a bottle of wine.
    “It’s way too early. If I’m not careful, I’ll end up just like my father. No, I’ve got to get out of here for a while.”
    Hunter walked into another of the seven bedrooms and found a huge wardrobe stocked with brand new clothing. She chose to dress in a casual outfit of jeans, a flannel shirt and comfortable boots. On her way out of the room, she spotted a suede coat and threw it over her arm.
    The elevator was empty when she boarded. However, half-way down, it stopped to pick up one of the most gorgeous women Hunter had ever seen.
    “Good morning.” When the blonde bombshell spoke, her smoky voice reminded Hunter of a siren’s song.
    “Morning.” Hunter felt like she was in a trance. The woman appeared ethereal. She freaking glowed!
    “You’re beautiful!”
    “Thank you.”
    The elevator seemed to be the slowest she’d ever been on. And Hunter felt compelled to stare. She couldn’t turn her eyes away.
    “Are you enjoying your stay, Hunter?”
    “I am.”
    “Is there anything else we can do for you?”
    “I don’t believe so. Everything’s perfect.”
    “I’m happy to hear that. I take it you’ve made peace with your accommodations?”
    “Of course. Everything’s beautiful.”
    “Happy to hear it. Where are you headed on this gorgeous morning?”
    “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
    “Would you like to go with me? I have a few

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