Human Blend
sputtered out. She felt bad for losing control. She
should have been more responsible.
    Austin chuckled. “Don't you dare apologize
for kissing me like that,” he said. Julie laughed, and felt her
face turn red.
    “Hey, what are you two kids doing down
there?” a voice shouted from above the small hill. Both Austin and
Julie jumped. “Austin, is that you?” asked the older gentleman,
peering down from above.
    “Oh, hey Mr. Crane, yeah it's me,” Austin
shouted back.
    “Who's that with you?” the shouting
    “Just my friend, Julie. We were just cutting
through to the lake,” Austin answered.
    “Well, move along. People will think you are
up to no good,” Mr. Crane said, before moving back from the ledge.
Austin and Julie both held in the laughter that threatened to erupt
in them both.
    “We better keep moving. Old man Crane
considers himself the park police,” Austin explained.
    Once they had laughed and stumbled their way
up the hill, Julie was treated to a beautiful sight. Just over the
hill was the lake. It was wonderful. It had a beach front entrance
where lots of families had gathered on this warm May Sunday. The
lake seemed to go on forever. Austin seemed to read her thoughts,
“One hundred and eight acres,” he stated. Julie stared in awe. She
could even see fishing boats out in the distance.
    “It's beautiful,” she sighed.
    It was like a picture postcard. Everyone
relaxing, having fun. Kids were running in and out of the water,
screaming in delight. Julie focused on one of the children eating
something, “Water ice!” she exclaimed. “They have water ice!” she
tugged on his arm. Austin laughed at her exuberance.
    “Yes, they do, follow me.” They were both
laughing now as they ran in the sand across the beach to a wooden
stand located at the far end. They were out of breath when they
reached the stand. “Wh-what flavor?” Austin asked, slightly bent
over. Julie tried to catch her breath.
    “B...Bl..Blueberry,” she stuttered out.
    Austin slowly regained his breath and ordered
one blueberry and one strawberry water ice. Holding the paper
cones, Julie and Austin began walking back down the beach. “I
didn't realize you were a water ice groupie,” Austin teased.
    “Nothing beats water ice on a hot day,” Julie
replied, relishing the cool treat.
    “Hot chocolate, in front of a roaring fire,
with a foot of snow outside,” Austin challenged.
    Julie laughed, “Okay, almost nothing,” she
    The two found a nice quiet spot on the beach.
They sat down to finish the quickly melting ices. “So how are you
liking this place?” Austin asked.
    “I'm really liking it,” Julie replied.
    “Good,” Austin replied, a big grin on his
    “What?” Julie asked, noticing the grin.
    “You look like you are turning into a smurf.”
He laughed. Julie laughed too imagining how blue her lips must be
from the water ice.
    “You look like you put on lipstick without a
mirror,” she came back with. The laughter came easy. Julie couldn't
remember a time when she felt so relaxed. She was having fun. An
activity that had been denied.
    She drank the remaining blue liquid that had
once been her water ice, then looked around for a trash can. There
was one a few yards away. Austin was already on his feet, his hand
extended down towards her. The moment reminded Julie of her initial
meeting of Austin in the marketplace. “I'm all sticky,” she said,
reluctant to take his hand.
    “So am I,” he said. Julie placed her sticky
hand in his as he pulled her up. They disposed of their trash. “We
can wash off in the water,” he suggested, kicking off his sneakers.
Julie did the same. She tucked her socks in her shoes and rolled up
the hem of her jeans.
    They walked to the water's edge. It was warm.
Julie liked the feeling of the wet sand squishing between her toes.
She couldn't recall if she had ever felt it before. She felt like
she was sinking and grabbed hold of Austin. “Have you

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