Human Blend
ever been to
the beach before?” he asked. He had been watching her.
    “Um, I don't remember,” she said, stepping
    “You must have had a deprived childhood.”
Austin was teasing, but Julie felt herself grimace at the comment.
She shook off her mood change and reached down into the water.
Instead of rinsing off, she splashed Austin. “Oh, you are in for it
now,” he said, splashing her back. A water fight ensued between the
two. Julie laughed and screamed as Austin tackled her, knocking
them both underwater. They continued the playful romp until both
called time out.
    They dragged themselves back onto the beach.
Julie sat down near her shoes. “I'll be right back,” Austin said.
Julie gave a little shiver. The sun was starting to go down. She
smiled to herself. Even though she was soaking wet and
uncomfortable in her clothes, she wouldn't have traded the feeling
for the world. She felt free. The smile was still on her face when
Austin returned carrying blankets. He shook out one big one. “Sit
on this one,” he instructed. Julie scooted onto the over-sized
blanket. He then wrapped another blanket around her shoulders
before wrapping one around himself as well. He sat down next to
    “Where did these come from?” she asked.
    “It's all who ya know,” Austin said, smiling.
Julie knew there was more to the story, but didn't pursue it. She
was just glad to be warming up.
    The beach was clearing out. Families packed
up their belongings, and headed for home. Lifeguards walked the
shoreline, making sure no one still lingered in the water. One of
the guards approached Julie and Austin. “Park closes shortly after
sunset,” the guard said. He did a double take then. “Oh, sorry
Austin, buddy. Didn't recognize you,” he said. Austin and the guard
shook hands,
    “No problem, Ted. We'll be heading back
soon,” Austin said.
    “Whose this?” Ted asked, smiling at
    “This is Julie,“ Austin answered.
    “You must be new in town. I know I've never
seen you before,” he said, extending his hand towards Julie.
    Julie smiled and shook his hand. “Nice to
meet you, Ted,” she said. “Austin has been kind enough to show me
around,” she said, confirming her 'new' status.
    “Lucky him,” Ted said with a wink.
    “How long have you been a lifeguard?” Julie
asked. She caught a sense of something in Ted during the brief
    “About 3 years,” he answered.
    “You must go through gallons of sunscreen,”
Julie commented.
    Ted laughed, “You would think, but not
really. I use a little bit here and there, I don't burn easily,”
Julie knew what it was that she had felt then.
    She told herself to bite her tongue as both
men eyed her curiously. “I'm kind of a freak with sunscreen,” Julie
explained, “I'm always worried about Melanoma and stuff,” She just
had to say something. “You should go for regular screenings,” Julie
continued unable to stop herself.
    “Are you like premed or something?” Ted asked
with a chuckle.
    “Something like that,” Julie replied.
    “Well, thanks for the advice, doc,” Ted said,
standing. “You two enjoy the rest of your day.” Ted gave Austin a
playful punch and went along his way.
    Julie pursed her lips and rested her chin on
her knees. “So you are a water ice and sunscreen fan,” Austin
    Julie turned her head towards him and smiled
shyly. “I hope I didn't embarrass you,” she said, “I get carried
away sometimes,”
    Austin laughed. “Actually, I thought your
concern was adorable. I think Ted did too,” his voice took on a
deeper pitch when he said Ted's name.
    Neither one spoke more about it as their
attention was drawn to the beautiful sunset out across the
    Austin placed an arm around Julie's shoulder.
Her mind was quiet this time, no more warnings being received. She
didn't bother to wonder why that was. She snuggled closer to him
and rested her head on his shoulder.
    As the remaining light of the day began to

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