
Read Hum for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Hum for Free Online
Authors: Ann Lauterbach
Tags: Poetry
erase the calm rims of Enlightenment
    those who spend secular gold, light
    those who omit light
             who wear the feeble shawl of sobriety
    his mother in shawls
    father in custody
    the family custodian arranged chronologically
    without deviation   children     first second third
    trays of numbered slaughter.

    (   ) settles in
    mirage person go! go!
    be punctuated be
        (    ) settles
    dead one dead three
    thou sand thou one  in the desert
       (     ) settles
    why these should be removed
    and these later
    this plus this
    you have too many in your program
    you have too many (     ) in your (    ).
    and the exception to this rule is? And this object?
    We recommend you
    furnish (    ) with another
    and that you buy only what is
    transparent to the
    the eye.
    Is the eye a good judge?
    Aha, a little
    jokey pun.
    Jokes are a good thing
    under conditions of the non-joke.
    To untie the knot.
    The heart is
    awakened by a small
    take or de-
    lay or am-
    ity. Do you want to save
    the ex-
    changes you made
    to X?
    Let’s do the numbers!
    “Care, community, comfort”
    Dollar value?
    Wrong letter, wrong (       ).
    Offshore dummy corporations,
    ancient, ex-
    change rates, moving
    with cash, suspicion,
    American practice.
    cf Milton
Book IV
    Hell himself.
    Brand name angels.
    Everything fell.
    But not in love.
    This is the post-temporal, post-serial, post-
    A B Cs. Meeters & greeters
    not allowed to cross (    ).
    Some kind of rent relief.
    No one thinks that will happen this year.
    Good Investment:
    Bed, Bath, and (   ).
    Announce personal  hymn
    to make a chapel
    against wholesale (        )
                (         )
A cigarette burning down at high speed
    But there are X thousand people inside that cigarette.
    “Well what’s it like?”
    “Children.” (       )
                            retail or retell
    More or
    The ancient came with me it was nothing I loved him
    4.2 miles a brief stretch in the car he could not speak.

    Votes destined to again unearth
    mirth in the fabric of the morsel. Please do not underline
    design my speechless-
    ness, not while I am still
    ill in the cave’s
    nave, resisting normal urges
    purges to get on with things
    cling. I doubt
    out of time
    lines, despite the impromptu gathering with ripe pears and cheese
    ease. I imagine the clocks
    rock, that the remainder is still
    drill sweltering, water arcing
    larking across the twilight
    blight, the tourists
    forest’s crumbled immensity
    density. Things continue to be planned ahead
    dread but I no longer want to risk the materials, and so have taken
    mistaken, fumbling, hoping for tact
    fact to be productive, if not the detachment and humor we have come
    dumb to expect.
    “Awash” in the inscrutable palette of roses
    roses unscented in the few
    new perfection. Music rides
    hides against honky-tonk beer
    cheer. The moon
    soon half full, never half empty. The second hand
    lands outside the circle and
    demand threatens to usurp the young road rats on the bus
    us, all our distractions seem arbitrarily chosen like a form
    norm of nostalgia in an indigo drawing: Whistler’s fog. The heart’s
    art, caged in its gauze, making a poor sound. Gears slip and now
    Dow it seems is being held up by so
    low many cheats, instantly assembled, not one exactly like another,
    others interchangeable. If a part hissed
    mist, then it was hissing for good. Were we dangling, inevitably a delay
    fade. Not anything I want, since delay’s advent
    meant sorrow. In truth, I have left, so
    go little by little, it seems as if
    life is a refutation. There is no one to comment or to abjure,
    lure the little enlightened spots, herds
    not words exactly,

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