How to Break a Cowboy

Read How to Break a Cowboy for Free Online

Book: Read How to Break a Cowboy for Free Online
Authors: Daire St. Denis
Tags: General Fiction
were doing,
because this position is hitting all the right spots. At the very least, Wade
certainly knows what he’s doing. His strokes are sure and powerful—in and
out—creating a wonderful friction against my clit. Our lovemaking isn’t the
fast and furious kind that Connor and I have shared in the past, but by Wade’s
standards it is more brief than usual.
    I don’t mind one bit as I cling to him in orgasmic bliss.
    After showering together, where I convince Wade to let me
finish what I started earlier in bed, we stroll down to the dining room for
breakfast. Wade employs a full-time cook for him and the ranch hands. Then in
the summer the kitchen staff expands for guests. I’m pleased to see Ronald, or
Spud, as everyone on the ranch calls him, in the kitchen cooking away. He’s
short and round and bald, except for a bad comb-over. He’s also gruff, un-politically
correct, and has the worst mouth ever.
    I love him.
    “I heard you came in last night.” He glowers at me. “Why the
hell didn’t you come say hello? Bad fucking manners if you ask me.”
    I push my way through the swinging kitchen doors and give
him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “Sorry,” I say. “It’s good to see you,
    The only thing that gives him away is the fact that he
blushes. “Alright then, enough of your bloody hugs and kisses.”
    He passes me a plate loaded with eggs, bacon and thickly
sliced homemade bread. It’s a far cry from my normal fruit and yogurt breakfast
but after all the calories I’ve burned in the last twenty-four hours, I don’t
feel one bit guilty.
    There are still a few ranch hands eating at the long tables
and I go to join Wade and Connor at one end. The minute I sit down, Dallas,
who’d been sitting beside Connor, stands up to leave, though the food on his
plate is only half-eaten.
    I’m about to say something but Wade beats me to it.
“Dallas,” he says in that soft but commanding way of his. “Stay.”
    Dallas pauses, mid-stride, then turns and sits back down.
With his head bent low over his plate, he starts eating again.
    A weird feeling creeps up and then down my spine, settling
uncomfortably in my belly. Just seconds ago I was starving and couldn’t wait to
launch into my food. Now I have no appetite.
    Whatever the tension is on the ranch and between the men,
I’m starting to think it might also have something to do with me. I turn a
questioning gaze to Wade but he’s not looking at me, he’s watching Connor.
    Out of everyone at our end of the table, Connor seems the
least affected by whatever undercurrents are zipping around. While chewing on a
strip of bacon, he catches us staring and looks first at me and then at Wade.
“You two sleep okay?”
    “Yeah,” I say. “Great. How about you?”
    Connor takes another bite of bacon and laughs. “Sleep? Hell,
not a lot of sleep happened in my room last night.”
    Wade stiffens beside me and I swear I hear Dallas grunt as
he shovels food into his mouth at a rapid rate.
    “Of course, if you two had joined us, we could have had
double the fun.” Connor nudges Dallas. “Not that I’m complaining. That thing
you did…”
    Dallas’s fork stops midway to his mouth. He glances at
Connor through a curtain of shaggy bangs and a slow smile creeps across his
handsome features. The vibe that passes between the two men is electric and I
can’t help but feel some voyeuristic flush sweep over me as I try to imagine
what it was that Dallas did to Connor.
    But the minute Dallas glances in Wade’s direction, his smile
    “I’m glad you two had fun last night,” Wade says gruffly. He
downs his coffee and stands behind me with his hands on my shoulders. “I’ve got
a Stampede Board meeting today with the other stock providers. So,
unfortunately, I’m going to miss out on our annual trail ride.” He kisses the
top of my head. “I’ll leave you in Connor’s capable hands and see you tonight.”
    I know I shouldn’t,

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