Hostage To The Stars: A Sectors SF Romance

Read Hostage To The Stars: A Sectors SF Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Hostage To The Stars: A Sectors SF Romance for Free Online
Authors: Veronica Scott
cargo, and were now proceeding inside the structure he’d identified as barracks, getting out of the rising heat.
    Despite the lack of much in the way of cover, he worked his way to the side of the smaller building undetected and hid behind a loosely covered pile of rusting equipment. Putting his ear to the wall, he heard muffled voices, a scream and a harsh burst of masculine laughter. The scanner indicated two sentients inside. Waiting patiently for the jailer to leave, he adjusted the readout to take a reading around the edge of the building. No threat there. Soon the man came out, minus the tray. He was straightening his clothing and had a smirk on his face. Johnny tightened his finger on the trigger of the pulse rifle but now wasn’t the time to take vengeance for wrongs done to a helpless prisoner. Rescue the lady first, obtain payback later.
    Someone hailed the guard from the direction of the bigger dwelling. “Saidir, hurry up, the nicturr is going fast in here. “
    “You better have saved me at least two cups— that’s my allotted ration.” Cursing, Saidir broke into a run.
    Nicturr was a mildly addictive, local tea-like drink. Johnny smiled. If the whole crew was going to be on a high for the next hour or so, it made his job easier. Waiting for the guard to join his friend and disappear inside the barracks, he then stepped out of hiding. Opening the unlocked door, he was inside in one step and closed the portal behind him.
    The interior of the dimly lit building was mostly taken up with a large holding cell, currently caging only one occupant. Staring at him wide eyed, a gaunt woman in ragged clothing was rising from the floor, bracing herself on the wall. Chains at her ankles clinked as she moved.
    He held one finger to his lips and moved to the door of the cell, blasting it open with a single low intensity pulse from his blaster.
      “Sara Bridges?”
    Hands to her mouth, eyes wide, she gave him a jerky nod.
    “I’m here to get you out, Ms. Bridges, Sectors Special Forces. “
    He thought she might collapse but instead she straightened her spine with an effort. A small moan escaped her lips but as he came closer she watched him without making another sound.
    He put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “I’ll have to get these shackles off.”
    She slid down the wall and sat. The chains were cheap metal, easy for him to burn the hinges with a flicker from the blaster, enough to break without burning her.
    Moistening her cracked lips with her tongue, she stared at him, tears in her eyes, but said nothing until he removed the chains with care, angry all over again when he saw the raw marks the shackles left on her ankles. He set the chains aside. Taking him by surprise, she hugged him, shivering violently.
    He held her close, hoping to offer a bit of comfort. Lips again near her ear, he whispered, “We’re going out the back, into the hills. Can you walk?”
    Swallowing hard, closing her eyes, Sara whispered, “Yes.”
    He had to unhook her fingers from his shirt, which he did carefully, helping her to her feet and leading her from the squalid cell. “The pirates are all inside the other building, getting drunk or high,” he said as he paused at the door, Sara crowding close.
    He slid the portal open an inch and reconnoitered. “Damn.”
    “What’s wrong?” Her voice was a husky whisper.
    “Two guys, over by the trucks. Hopefully they’ll go inside before too long.”
    Sara crossed her arms over her chest and rubbed her slender biceps as if she was cold, although the heat was growing intense in the jail as the sun rose higher. “Promise you’ll kill me if we get caught.” Her tone was intense.
    “It ain’t going to come to that. We’re getting out of here today.”
    “I want to believe you but I can’t take any more,” she said, tears slipping down her cheeks. “You have no idea.”
    He reached over to pat her shoulder. “I’ll get you to safety, my word on it. I’m thinking it

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