Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

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Book: Read Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party for Free Online
Authors: Dinesh D'Souza
called the Clinton marriage. This marriage seems to be held together by a single cord: larceny. The Clintons have been on the make since their Arkansas days. They continued their vile operations through Bill’s presidency, which culminated in the pardoning of criminals who donated lavishly to the Clintons and the Democratic Party.
    The Clinton marriage seems to affirm the Bonnie and Clyde principle that the couple that steals together, stays together. The famous criminal duo Bonnie and Clyde too had a complicated romantic relationship, perhaps just as twisted and bizarre as that of the Clintons. We may never know what the glue was that kept Bonnie and Clyde together, but what about the Clintons? What unites them and how did their partnership come about?
    Here there are a couple of theories, both in my view mistaken. The first—occasionally whispered on the Right—is that Hillary is a lesbian. This would explain her apparent indifference to Bill’s carrying-on. Strangely the best source to confirm this suspicion is Bill himself. Two of Clinton’s former mistresses—former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller and Gennifer Flowers—have quoted Bill as saying that Hillary likes girls. Flowers somewhat colorfully cites Bill to the effect that Hillary “has probably eaten more p*ssy than I have.” 16
    I have to confess that I cannot refute this theory, but I believe it is unsubstantiated. No woman has ever come forward saying she was even propositioned by Hillary, let alone had a relationship with her. Sometimes the absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
    The second theory is probably the most widely held view, certainly among Democrats but even among many Republicans. This is the view that Bill is the predator and Hillary is the long-suffering wife. Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill spoke for many when she praised Hillary but said of Bill, “I don’t want my daughter near him.” 17 This view holds that Bill is the Big Creep—this is the term Monica Lewinsky used for him—and Hillary is the woman who sticks by the creep since she is married to him.
    This second view is not entirely favorable to Hillary. At its worst, it depicts her as a kind of Camille Cosby, turning a blind eye to her husband’s atrocious predatory behavior toward other women. But even in this analysis the main blame falls on the husband. The two Bills are the ones who did it; the wives are merely guilty of putting up with all this bad behavior.
    In reality, I show that the Cosby and Clinton situations are quite different. Bill may be a big creep but Hillary is creepier than he is. She is much worse than Camille Cosby. That’s because Camille, as far as we know, had no role in orchestrating her husband’s drugging of unsuspecting women. Camille is, at best, a passive enabler.
    Hillary’s role can be understood when we realize that she is both aware of and involved in Bill’s crimes. She facilitates them because she benefits from them. How does she benefit? Hillary didn’t necessarily want a husband, but she needed a lifelong “pitch man” for her political schemes. Goofy, likeable, gregarious Bill was the perfect find. But why would someone like Bill want someone like Hillary? Not for sex. She couldn’t do it for him in the bedroom. Hillary knew that. If she wanted him, she had to make herself useful to him in other ways.
    Hillary saw early on that Bill was a sex addict who could easily cross the line into sex abuse. In fact, there was already one incident at Oxford that suggested he had crossed that line. At first Hillary was appalled, but then she saw that in Bill’s addiction there was, for her, an opportunity.
    So she became the active enabler of his sex crimes. She showed him she could cover up for him, and clean up his messes. She took on the task of prosecuting, discrediting, and destroying the women that spoke out against him. When necessary, she played the role of the supportive wife. She protected Bill from the consequence of his

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