The arrangement has proven successful in that both Bill and Hillary have gotten out of it what they wanted. Bill found his co-conspirator who somehow managed to get him off every time, and Hillary got an addict who became dependent on her for life. Of course she never considered divorcing him because she needed him. Without her Slick Willie, she knew she had no hope of carrying out her nefarious ambitions. Withhim, she now has a chance to live out her demented aspirations with all of us as her victims.
What are those aspirations? To a degree that Bill would hardly dream and that is unmatched by Obama, Hillary seeks to establish full government—which is to say progressive—control over the lives of Americans. She seeks, in her own words, the “remaking of the American way of politics, government, indeed life.” 18 Obama wanted to remake America; this woman wants to remake your life.
She intends, in other words, to relocate you to the progressive plantation. There is only one way to do this: convert all of America into a plantation. This means reducing the whole country to the miserable condition that we now see only in inner cities and on native Indian reservations. For Hillary, this would represent the summit of her achievement, because it would give her what she seeks: full power and full control.
Of course it’s not just about the power; it is also about the money. Here Hillary has already shown her talents. Her achievement as secretary of state has been to carry the corrupt operations of the Democratic Party to a new level. Hillary herself described what she did as “commercial diplomacy.” It certainly has worked out commercially for her and Bill. In the words of Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash , “No one has even come close in recent years to enriching themselves on the scale of the Clintons while they or a spouse continued to serve in public office.” 19
By contrast with the Clintons, earlier Democratic scam operations seem like petty thievery. Previously Democrats specialized in big city machines a la Tammany Hall in New York and the Daley machine in Chicago. These were local rackets that looted the city treasury. The looters—such figures as William “Boss” Tweed—made off with a few hundred thousand, perhaps as much as a million. Hillary, however, figured out how to take her racket national, indeed global.
Never before has anyone figured out how to rent out American foreign policy, how to convert the position of secretary of state into a personal money machine. Hillary, with Bill’s help, figured out not only how to shake down Russian oligarchs and Canadian billionaires by offeringthem control of America’s uranium assets; she also figured out how to rob the island nation of Haiti in the wake of the 2010 earthquake. It’s one thing to rip off the world’s rich; it takes a special kind of chutzpah to steal from the poorest of the poor.
Imagine what Hillary would do with her power if she went from secretary of state to president of the United States! Previously she at least had to answer to Obama; now she would be a power unto herself. Hillary has already shown how indifferent she is to the interests of the United States, selling American influence to the highest bidder. I dread to think how much havoc—how many Benghazis—are in store if we elect this woman in November.
Who is going to stop Hillary, and how? Who will block the enslavement of the American people that is the political program of the Democratic Party? My last chapter addresses these questions. The situation, at first glance, seems desperate. The Republican Party seems confused, bitterly divided, unable to contest the Democratic social justice pitch and articulate a rival vision. Can we really count on the bewildered elephant to chase down and trample the Democratic donkey?
There is no one else. The GOP has, from the beginning, been the team—and the only team—that can stop and did stop the marauding
Alison Golden, Jamie Vougeot
Thomas Ligotti, Brandon Trenz