Here Comes Trouble

Read Here Comes Trouble for Free Online

Book: Read Here Comes Trouble for Free Online
Authors: Erin Kern
fantasies put her into an uncomfortable position. While his generous offer would solve her problems, it took away something she’d always worked so hard to keep. Not even when forced would she allow Chase to be that person. He already had a power over her she hadn’t been willing to admit.
    “What’re your other options?” In her foggy brain, his voice came from far away even though he stood entirely too close.
    The scratched wood floor, as well as her bare feet, remained the focus of her attention. “I don’t know, but I told you I’ll figure it out.” She shoved the envelope harder, crumpling it against his chest, which felt like tempered steel. “Please just take this back.”
    “Why? Afraid you’ll owe me something?”
    Chase probably meant his words to be a joke, but they hit way too close to home. She didn’t want to owe him, or anyone, anything.
    His warm hand wrapped around hers, the one holding his gift, and pulled it away from his chest. The other hand tipped her chin up. “Lacy, this is not open for debate. You need it and I want you to have it.” His intense blue gaze stared into hers. “Just take the check and say ‘thank you, Chase.’”
    Her hand remained in his firm grip, and she couldn’t force her eyes away from his. “I don’t want this,” she whispered.
    The same disarming half-smile returned. “I know.”
    “Where did you even get this much money?”
    His broad shoulders lifted in a shrug. “I’ve invested well.” They stared at each other for a few seconds, then he placed one palm behind his ear as if listening for something. “I’m waiting…”
    She smiled despite herself. Chase did have a magical ability to coax a grin out of her. “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome. Now, breathe a sigh of relief and do what you need to do with it.” He rocked forward on the balls of his feet. “So, what’re you working on right now anyway?”
    Lacy folded the check in half and stuck in her back pocket. “I was sorting through Ray’s stuff, but that got old really fast.”
    “And now?”
    Why was he so curious about her schedule? Lacy didn’t tell many people about her love for drawing, and Chase was definitely one of those people who didn’t know. Telling him would bring him too much into her private life. Best to keep him at an arm’s length.
    She attempted nonchalance by shrugging her shoulders. “Right now, nothing.”
    The man in front of her, so big he practically consumed all the space around her, nodded his head. He looked at her in that way of his; like he saw down into her soul. How did he do that? How could one man make her so unsure if she wanted him or hated him?
    “I gotta run,” he said abruptly as he stepped around her and slid his sunglasses back on.
    He’d made it halfway out the door when she stopped him. “Wait a minute.” For Pete’s sake, the man had just given her twenty-thousand dollars of his own money. Shouldn’t she at least offer him something? Out of a nervous habit, Lacy licked her lips. “Would you like some coffee or maybe a soda?”
    Coffee or soda? Is that the best you can do?
    Thankfully his piercing blue eyes were hidden by his dark sunglasses. Somehow she’d made him smile; a slow I’m-going-to-give-you-the-best-orgasm-of-your-life smile. Lacy almost whimpered.
    “Be careful, Miss Taylor. You might actually start to like me.”
    The door shut with a soft click behind him, but Lacy could have sworn she heard him laugh.


    Dennis had yet to show his face in Lacy’s neck of the woods. He was probably skulking in the shadows somewhere, waiting for the opportune time to hit her up for money. Even if she did have money to spare, she’d rather burn it than see it in Dennis’ hands.
    She picked up the last of the dirty plates from the empty table, only to knock one of the glasses on the plush carpet. Some of the leftover liquid splashed on her beat up boots. Wonderful. Thinking about Dennis made her spill ice-tea on her one and

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