Her Officer and Gentleman

Read Her Officer and Gentleman for Free Online

Book: Read Her Officer and Gentleman for Free Online
Authors: Karen Hawkins
arrive in London!”
    Tall and buxom and with the same honey-colored hair, Beatrice—now know as Mrs. Thistle-Bridgeton—was as well known for her jocular ways as for her rather pronounced nose. “I just arrived this evening. Your grandfather said I was to find you as soon as possible and make certain you came to no harm.”
    Beth smiled and began to answer, when she caught sight of her audience’s rapt gaze. Oh yes. Her stutter. She managed a smile as she said, “Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-why, Cousin B-B-B-B-Beatrice! It is so g-g-g-good to see you!”
    Beatrice blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.
    Beth raised her brows meaningfully. “I-I-I have so m-m-m-m-much to tell you!”
    Beatrice pasted a rather weak smile on her face. “Yes, you do have a lot to tell me, don’t you?”
    “Beatrice, h-h-have you met the D-D-D-D-Duke of St-St—”
    “Oh yes!” Beatrice said hastily, sending Beth a sharp look. “I know the duke quite well.” Beatrice hurried to add, “I know them all, thank you! Gentlemen, I must steal Elizabeth away. I haven’t seen her in forever and we have so much to discuss!”
    “Of course,” the duke said, tucking his thumbs in his waistcoat and beaming idiotically. “Mrs. Thistle-Bridgeton, I do hope you bring Lady Elizabeth back ere long.”
    “Oh, you won’t even know she’s gone!” Beatrice took Beth’s arm and laced it with her own, an amused quirk to her generous mouth. “We’ll be back before Beth can say, ‘Dilly’!”
    Beth scarcely had time to wave a hand in farewell before she was whisked away by her determined cousin. Beatrice immediately hissed in Beth’s ear, “What on earth are you doing?”
    “Keeping the wolves at bay.”
    Beatrice choked on her laugh, pulling her cousin out of the crowd and into a small alcove designed for more private speech. “Lud, Beth! I am sorry I was late returning from Italy! The weather was—oh, never mind. What on earth made you decide to affect such an atrocious stutter?”
    “Those lump skulls. I am bored to death!”
    Beatrice chuckled. “Your grandfather will put a stop to this the instant he arrives.”
    “He won’t be coming to town anytime soon. Beatrice, he is not well.”
    Beatrice’s expression sobered. “I wondered if that was the case when he wrote to me, but then I thought perhaps he simply didn’t wish to leave your stepmama.”
    Beth frowned. “Not leave Charlotte? Why would he not—”
    “Or the house,” Beatrice added hastily. “He loves Massingale House.”
    “So do I. As much as I’ve enjoyed my time in London, I would much rather be there.”
    “Has Lady Clearmont been so horrible?”
    “Not at all! I hardly ever see her.”
    “How horrid! My mother-in-law—gossipmonger that she is—wrote to say you’d arrived and were rumored to possess a dowry unlike any other. I daresay you’ve had admirers in droves!”
    “ Had admirers in droves,” Beth said, smiling. “I have frightened them all off but these last few. No matter how much money one might have, it is quite lowering to think one might have to face th-th-th-this over the br-br-br-br-breakfast table every m-m-m-m-morning for the rest of your l-l-l-l-life.”
    Beatrice laughed merrily. “I can barely stand it this minute! What made you think of such a devious plan?”
    “Desperation. Grandfather thinks I should marry now, before he’s—” Beth could not say the words.
    Beatrice sobered instantly. “Beth, I am so sorry.”
    “So am I. I promised him I would have one season. After that, he has promised never again to mention my leaving him for London.”
    “I see. He hopes you’ll meet someone?”
    “Of course. I can’t have anyone running to Grandfather with an offer for my hand, at least not a man he might countenance. If he found someone he thought would be suitable, he’d insist I marry despite his promise. I know he would.”
    “You are in a fix! I hope your plan works.”
    Beth shrugged. “If it ceases to work, I shall simply develop another

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