Her New Worst Enemy

Read Her New Worst Enemy for Free Online

Book: Read Her New Worst Enemy for Free Online
Authors: Christy McKellen
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, spicy
enough for the whole weekend here. Should we go shopping
    Gideon glanced up from his interminable stirring. “Yeah, okay. There’s a good supermarket
     ten miles away. We’ll drive over in the morning and stock up. Pour some wine, will
    Ellie nodded and opened the bottle, pouring generous measures into the two glasses
     he’d put out, before putting them on the table. “How long for food? I’m starving.”
    “It’s ready. Pass me those bowls.”
    Ellie handed the crockery over and watched him spoon large mounds of soft rice into
     them, her stomach rumbling in appreciation at the sight. Gideon handed her a bowl,
     grabbed the baguette from the side and took his food over to the table.
    Sitting down, he tore some bread for himself, then for Ellie, before digging in. Ellie
     followed his lead, spooning the delicious mixture into her mouth without a break until
     her bowl was empty.
    “So, not the slop you expected?” Gideon’s bright eyes flashed at her and she grinned
    “No. That was delicious, thanks.”
    “You’re welcome.” He leaned back comfortably in his chair, taking a long sip of his
     wine, and watched her scrape up the last of the sauce with some bread, a frown creasing
     his brow.
    “When did you last see your family, Ellie?”
    Something twisted in her chest. “A while ago. I’ve been a bit busy recently, so I
     haven’t spoken to anyone for a while.” She picked up her own wine and took a large
    Gideon nodded, a frown marring his handsome face. “So how long has it been since Paul
    A thud of pain made her stomach constrict. “Six months.”
    “And you haven’t been out with anyone since?”
    “No. I told you, I’ve been busy.”
    “Busy being stubborn.”
    Ellie glanced over at him; unsure whether he was teasing her. Gideon looked back steadily,
     the underlying worry in his eyes niggling her senses and causing a shot of anger to
     fire through her.
    “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Gideon. You don’t know what it’s like
     to come home one day, thinking everything’s fine, to find out the person who’s supposed
     to love you has left.”
    His eyes darkened as she glared at him. The rage she’d been feeling recently flooded
     her veins and she barely took in his closed, nonchalant expression. At that moment
     she hated him. Hated the way he tossed women aside like pieces of rubbish when he’d
     finished with them. How could he not know how much it hurt to be treated like that?
     The venom in her veins spurred her on, even though she sensed his anger radiating
     back at her from his side of the table.
    “How come you’re still single? I would have thought such an eligible bachelor would
     have been snapped up long ago.” Her tone was so caustic she almost burned herself.
    To her annoyance, Gideon just laughed and brushed a hand through his hair.
    “If I had a penny for the number of times I’ve been asked that, I’d be a millionaire.
     No, wait, I am a millionaire.”
    “Such wit.” Ellie shook her head and gently kicked his leg under the table. It was
     impossible to stay angry with him for long. “What is it about them you don’t like?”
    “Your women. What do they do to make you leave them?”
    He snorted. “My relationships haven’t worked out for all sorts of reasons. Everyone’s
     different, you know.” He poured more wine into their glasses.
    “Really? I’d say most of your girlfriends came from the same gene pool.”
    “My love life isn’t any of your business.”
    His voice was light but she detected a warning in his eyes. But she couldn’t let it
     drop; it was like a compulsion to push on with the conversation, despite Gideon’s
     obvious annoyance. “No, seriously. How do you expect to find someone you like if you
     keep going for the same type of woman over and over again? It’s like you deliberately
     pick the stupid ones so you can justify getting rid of them

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