Her Mistletoe Wish
    ‘It’s not your fault.’ He spoke with carefulness, as though he was desperate to get the words to sink in.
    ‘Still, there has to have been something I could have done to prev—’
    He silenced her by pressing his index finger tenderly to her lips, knowing the touch would effectively silence her. He leaned in closer, bringing his mouth closer to her ear so she could hear him when he whispered clearly,
‘It’s not your fault.’
Then he gathered her into his arms and held her tightly. ‘You’re not going to do yourself any favours by playing the what-if game, Reg.’
    She closed her eyes as his message finally began to penetrate through her thick skull. ‘I know you want to rewind time, to do anything you can to spare Melva the emotional upheaval she’s going to go through, butyou can’t.’ His words were barely above a whisper as she once more allowed herself to rest within his arms.
    How she’d missed this. Having someone with big strong arms hold her, comfort her, support her in times of need. How she’d missed Flynn. She felt so comfortable and secure in his arms that a moment later, she yawned, a big, long yawn.
    ‘You’re exhausted,’ she heard him murmur, but now that she’d mentally accepted there was nothing she could have done to alter tonight’s outcome of the fire, it was as though her entire body was starting to shut down.
    Plus, Flynn was making it very comfortable for her to stand there, leaning into him, knowing his big, strong arms would support her and keep her safe. At this particular moment it didn’t matter one jot what had happened between them all those years ago. What mattered was that Flynn was offering comfort and she was going to be selfish and accept it.
    The memories from her past, the memories she’d tried so hard to push away, to ignore, to never think about again, were returning with a vengeance as she continued to lean against him. She knew he wouldn’t let her fall, that he would support her, and for a wild moment she desperately wanted to go back in time. Back to when Flynn had professed his love for her. Back to a moment when her life, for the very first time, had felt…complete.
    ‘Go back,’ she mumbled into his chest, her words incoherent.
    ‘Reggie?’ Flynn eased away just slightly to look down at her, but she only seemed to snuggle in closer. Who was he to argue? He closed his eyes, allowinghimself to absorb the sensation of once again having his Reg in his arms. It was clear the attraction they’d felt for each other all those years ago was still alive and well…at least, it was on his side. Could she feel it, too?
    ‘Reggie?’ He tried again and when the only answer he received was her steady and even breathing, he realised that the day had definitely taken its toll on her. Not only had she been watching over Melva for the past few hours but she’d also answered a barrage of questions from the police, providing them with whatever information she could. Thankfully, both her other neighbours had been contacted and although they were devastated at the loss of their belongings, at least none of them had lost their lives. Therefore, he wasn’t the least bit surprised at Reggie being so completely wiped out that she was literally asleep on her feet.
    ‘Come on, Reg,’ he murmured, shifting her slightly in his arms so he could guide her as they walked quietly out of the ward.
    ‘Where are we going?’ she asked, half roused. He couldn’t help but smile down at the gorgeous sight of her, her short, black hair sticking out a little at the sides and her eyelids half-closed.
    ‘You need sleep,’ he replied.
    ‘Good idea. Residential wing will have a bed free.’
    ‘Goodnight, Ayana,’ Flynn called quietly as he waved to the night nurse. ‘If there’s any change in Melva’s condition—’
    ‘I’ll call you and Reggie immediately,’ Ayana promised. ‘Get her to a bed, and soon, Flynn. She really is asleep on her feet,

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