Her Mistletoe Wish

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Book: Read Her Mistletoe Wish for Free Online
Authors: Lucy Clark
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, series, Harlequin Medical Romance
isn’t she?’ Ayana smiled as Reggie continued to lean against Flynn. It would be far easier for him to scoop her into his arms and carry herthrough the hospital but he was already mindful of the looks they were receiving with her snuggled so closely against him. The last thing he wanted was for Reggie to have to deal with a barrage of gossip on top of everything else that had happened to her.
    They headed out of the ward towards the lift, Reggie more than content to let him guide her. That way she didn’t have to think about anything. She couldn’t remember being this exhausted since she’d been an intern, trying to cope with the all-nighters followed by a full day shift. Perhaps the trauma of losing all her possessions, of the impending frustration and stress of dealing with the insurance company, of having to go out in the morning and buy new clothes and shoes and…She didn’t even own a toothbrush. Not anymore.
    ‘And all the Christmas presents,’ she groaned, her words muffled as she spoke into Flynn’s chest, another layer of stress falling on her shoulders.
    ‘What?’ Flynn bent his head so he could hear her more clearly.
    ‘I’d finished my Christmas shopping. Now it’s all gone.’ She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream and bellyache and wail, but she was just too exhausted.
    ‘We’ll sort it out,’ Flynn promised her as they headed out into the humid December night.
    ‘Thank you, Flynn. You always were so reliable…except, you know, when you broke my heart.’
    ‘You’re mumbling, Reg. Can’t understand a word,’ he told her. ‘And you’re starting to trip over your own feet,’ she heard him say, and the next instant she felt as light as a feather, floating along in the breeze. She looped her arms around Flynn’s neck and rested her head against his shoulder, only belatedly realising he’dscooped her off her feet and was carrying her, striding purposefully towards the residential wing like the gallant hero she’d always thought him to be.
she sighed as her head was finally placed onto a soft pillow. She had no idea just how much time had passed and could have sworn she’d been strapped into a car at one point. Perhaps Flynn had decided to drive around to the residential wing rather than carry her the entire way.
    At any rate, she was simply glad to finally be in a bed, a sheet being pulled over her, the ceiling fan whirring gently above to keep her cool throughout the night. Someone was removing her shoes and once that was done she drew her knees up and snuggled into the inviting world of dreams.
    ‘Sleep sweet, Reg.’
    Flynn’s glorious deep words washed over her and then she dreamed he’d placed a kiss on her forehead. ‘Mmm, Flynn. I’ve missed you,’ she whispered.
    He straightened up and stared down at the woman sleeping in his spare room. She’d missed him? Really? Was that just the exhaustion talking? Did she mean ‘miss’ as in she’d wanted to see him again? Because from the moment he’d seen her at the hospital the impression he’d gained had definitely been the opposite, especially as she’d spent the better part of the last week avoiding him.
    With her breathing settling into an even rhythm, letting him know she was definitely sound asleep, Flynn knew he should leave yet he couldn’t seem to move. Watching Reggie sleep made his heart contract with pain and pleasure as his mind was flooded with a round of what-if’s.
    She was the woman he’d once loved with all his heart, the woman he’d planned to marry and spend the rest of his life with, the woman who had managed to show him he was a person of worth, to accept him for exactly who he was…and then everything had exploded. He’d been weak, had allowed himself to be manipulated, and it had brought him nothing but pain and mortification.
    ‘Not anymore.’ He shook his head and exhaled heavily. When he’d accepted the job at Sunshine General, he hadn’t known Reggie was working there, not

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