Her Mates
felt a little different from everyone. You were destined to be ours, Alice. I knew the minute I met you. I would have done anything to get you here, even lie about a job,” Brand said.
    “I feel an animal buried deep inside that is more in control than I. She is sleeping now, but when she is awake, everything that I do with you is her controlling me. I would never do the things she is making me do,” Alice whispered in despair.
    Seth spoke from beside her. “You feel that way because you are separating her from you in your mind. She is you. She can’t do anything that you don’t want to happen. You are our mate. She is you.”
    Alice shook her head in denial.
    “So you say she is sleeping right now?” Brand questioned as he came up behind her. He gathered her up into his arms and placed her sitting on the table facing him. He sat down in her seat and placed his hands on her exposed thighs.
    She whimpered as she felt her desire unfurl. She wanted the animal to wake up to once again overtake her, but she slumbered on. Brand unbuttoned the shirt slowly, giving her every option to stop him. He reached around her and pulled her forward to place her right at the edge of the table.
    “Is she still sleeping, sweetheart?” he whispered as he placed his hands on the inside of her thighs. He spread her wide.
    “Yes,” came the dejected reply.
    “So this is you letting me do this, Alice. I see your desire pulsating, sweetheart. I want you to spread your pussy for my mouth. Yes, use your hands. That’s a girl. Wider.” Brand lowered his mouth, keeping her gaze locked on his eyes. He nibbled and sucked on her bud and lapped up her gushing cream.
    She whimpered and cried out as her inner walls clenched his tongue suddenly. The animal slept on.
    “What does this mean? Am I a whore? I want every one of you, and I don’t even know any of you.” She sobbed as she let him continue to feast.
    “You are our mate,” said Francis simply.
    “What Francis means is you were meant for us and no one else. Your body recognizes us. We each have a beast that is a part of us. You will begin to recognize each of us in our were-form as your animal will want to mate with each of us often. A she-bear has a voracious appetite for her mates. You are the she-bear, Alice, so you will want us all the time,” Seth said to her as she held his brother’s head to her pussy. He reached over and lowered the shirt until it pooled at her elbows. He cupped her breast in his hand and played with her nipple as she watched. She leaned into him, still holding Brand’s head to her center.
    “You are safer here than you could ever be. Let us love you,” Jean-Paul said as he tunneled his fingers through her tumbling hair, angling her mouth for a gentle kiss.
    She felt hands stroke and pet her as the mouth between her legs continued to pleasure her. She followed the pressure of hidden hands and allowed herself to be laid back onto the table. She relaxed as her legs were lifted and held by two caressing hands. She felt mouths everywhere on her body. Her stomach was nibbled as well as both breasts. She surrendered herself to their seduction. They devoured her.
    She felt a warm substance dribble all over her. When a finger replaced the mouth at her lips, she tasted honey and moaned. The hungry mouths returned with an intensity that assaulted her senses. The lips were back to her mouth, this time coated with honey. She moaned, lifting her hands to hold his head to her mouth. She felt the honey being drizzled between her legs and cried out as she was eaten.
    She went willingly to each of them as they taught her what pleasured them and learned what pleasured her. She felt energized after each encounter and continued to go from one to the other until at last she felt satiated.




Chapter 7
    A warm bath was prepared, and the twins won the right to oversee. They soaped her and made sure all the honey came off. They washed her hair, massaging

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