Ha'ven's Song

Read Ha'ven's Song for Free Online

Book: Read Ha'ven's Song for Free Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
in the room?” Abby asked with a roll of her eyes. “They are so
much like Cara it’s scary. They get into everything. I swear Trelon
is going to lock Amber and Jade in a tower when they get older to
keep all the ‘dragons’ away,” she added just as Zohar let out a
loud cry cutting any further conversation short.
    Abby gave a muttered apology before she
hurried out the door. Sara turned and looked at Emma and let out a
deep sigh. She was at a loss as how to help the young woman. She
hoped Audrey could do something before the girl with the soft voice
that had kept her sane during their captivity disappeared

Chapter 5
    “Do you have the equipment ready?” Adalard
asked as he met up with Ha’ven later that night.
    “Of course,” Ha’ven remarked with a raised
eyebrow. “I finished setting up the shield late this afternoon. Now
the only thing that needs to be done is to tie Trelon’s mate up
before she dismantles the damn thing. She drove me nuts with her
questions and I swear if I catch her ‘tweaking’ it again I’m going
to be the one tying her up and delivering her with a bow on her
head to Trelon. How he can keep up with her I have no idea. I was
exhausted and needed a strong drink after just thirty minutes in
her company,” he finished dryly.
    Adalard chuckled. “I was talking to Jarak,
Kelan’s head of security from his warship. Did you know that she
broadcasted Trelon’s PVC out over the V’ager’s communications system?” Adalard asked biting his lip to keep from
    “She did what?” Ha’ven asked in disbelief.
“Why would she do that? What did Trelon say? What happened? I mean,
I can’t believe she is still alive.”
    Adalard tried to keep a straight face but it
was impossible. He was fighting the laughter so hard tears were
rolling down his cheeks. He breathed deeply and opened his mouth to
tell Ha’ven what happened but every time he did he burst into
laughter again.
    “What’s so damn funny?” Trelon asked as he
and Cara came up to where Ha’ven and Adalard were standing in the
hallway outside the dining area.
    “I was… I was… trying… to tell… Ha’ven
about… your…” Adalard struggled to say before he gasped in a deep
breath and burst out. “PVC!”
    Trelon’s face turned dark with a scowl at
the reminder of what Cara had done to his Personal Virtual
Companion. Not that he needed it any longer but it still burned
that everyone in the known galaxies knew his every fantasy. If that
wasn’t bad enough, he still got requests for copies.
    Cara rolled her eyes and put her hands on
her hips. “It wasn’t that funny! Besides, I didn’t know what
it was. I thought it was about plumbing pipe. That is what we call
it back on Earth.”
    “Plumbing pipe?” Ha’ven asked confused. “How
could you mistake it for piping? Didn’t you see what was on
    Cara rolled her eyes and looked at Ha’ven
like he was a first class idiot. “Duh! I didn’t look at the video
before I sent it because I thought it was an instruction on
plumbing. Besides, I was more interested in seeing if the
modifications to the communications system would increase the
distance of the distribution of the signal. If you ask me, there
really isn’t that much difference between the piping from home and
what was on the video.”
    “Do you even know what a PVC is?” Ha’ven
asked in disbelief looking at Cara like she had lost her mind.
    Trelon looked at his friend like he would
love to kill him right there while Adalard melted back against the
wall holding his sides. Ha’ven looked at Trelon who was glaring at
him and waving his hand back and forth across his throat behind
Cara’s back. Ha’ven shook his head and turned to look at Cara whose
lips were curved into a mischievous smile.
    “Of course,” she replied cheerfully. “The
only differences between your PVC and the ones back home is you can
only watch yours. Personally, I like the real thing. Of course,
Trelon is built

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