Ha'ven's Song

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Book: Read Ha'ven's Song for Free Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
like you wouldn’t believe. His cock is the size of
…” A low curse broke Cara’s detailed description off.
    Ha’ven’s mouth dropped open, Adalard crowed
in delight and Trelon groaned as he wrapped his arms around his
tiny mate and carried her into the dining room. Ha’ven’s eyes
followed his friend whose face had turned a decidedly darker shade
of red at his mate’s words. He decided that Trelon not only needed
to tie his mate up but he needed to gag her as well.
    “Did she just describe Trelon’s….?” Ha’ven
asked looking at Adalard who was wiping the corner of his eye on
his shirt.
    “Yes, she did,” Adalard said with a grin.
“I’m telling you, this species is very entertaining.”
    Ha’ven shook his head as Adalard went into
the dining room. He drew in a deep breath and thanked the Goddess
that he had no desire to be entertained by one of them. He had
several females he enjoyed company with back on Ceran-Pax and that
was all he needed. Besides, until he could find a way to contain
the sudden waves of power that ebbed and flowed inside him, he
couldn’t even think of having a permanent mate. A slight shudder
went through him at the thought.
    I would rather go back to war with the
Sarafin and the Valdier before settling for just one female,
especially from a frustrating species like these humans, he
thought with a grimace.
    Unfortunately, it would appear the Goddess
was not listening to his offering of thanks. He knew he was in
trouble the moment he stepped into the dining room. A wave of power
unlike anything he had ever felt before swelled inside of him,
swirling and churning until invisible bands burst from him and shot
across the room.
    His first thought was he had to find a safe
place to release it before he killed everyone in the palace. His
second thought was there was no way he would get far enough away to
be able to protect them. But, it was his third thought that almost
brought him to his knees in front of everyone in the room… he had
found his mate.
    Emma sat quietly next to Sara looking down at
the empty plate in front of her. She hadn’t wanted to come. She
wanted to stay in the safety of their rooms until darkness fell.
Then, she would slip out and find her way to the edge of the
    Sara had refused to let her stay behind.
Emma wished she could be as strong as Sara. Sara had been thrown
into the cell next to hers the night after Betsy had been murdered.
Emma had listened as she had cursed at the men who had brought her.
She had no idea of what was about to happen to her but Emma
    They had ignored Emma throughout the night
and the next several days. She heard one of them joke that it was
no fun killing when the victim was unaware of what was happening.
Emma had crawled over to the metal door and tried to warn Sara. It
had been hard to think as her head hurt so badly. Sara had finally
quieted down enough to hear Emma’s softly spoken words.
    They had been left blissfully alone for the
next four days before they had both been dragged out of their cells
to the beautifully decorated office of Javier Cuello. The horrid
man was back and this time, Emma knew she would not be given the
reprieve of just a beating. Sara had cursed and fought until they
strung her up on the poles. Even then, she refused to give in. By
the fifth lash of the whip, her wretched screams echoed along with
the men’s laughter and taunts. By the fifteenth, she was barely
conscious and still they continued.
    When Emma struggled to throw herself in
front of the man with the whip, another had struck her in the head
knocking her to the floor. Cuello had ordered the man who hit her
to force her to sit up and watch. Shortly after that, things had
become very strange when the door suddenly burst open and long,
golden tentacles stretched out through the room, imprisoning the
men. She didn’t remember much afterwards until she awoke in a
strange room and learned she was no longer on Earth.
    She refused to

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