Hard-Luck Diggings: The Early Jack Vance, Volume One

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Book: Read Hard-Luck Diggings: The Early Jack Vance, Volume One for Free Online
Authors: Jack Vance
outsiders will be buried in the crab-warren. If the thief hangs back, all will be so dealt with, and there will be an end to the Earth-things.”
    Mapes said in a tight voice, “Did you take their Seven-year Eye?”
    Kelly nodded numbly. “Yes.”
    Herli made a sharp sound in his throat, turned away.
    Kelly said miserably, “I don’t know what came over me. There it was—glowing like a little green moon…I took it.”
    Herli said gutturally, “Don’t just stand there.”
    Kelly reached out to the visiphone, pushedbuttons. The screen changed,a Han priest stared forth into Kelly’s face.
    Kelly said, “I stole your jewel…Don’t kill any more people. I’ll bring it back to you.”
    The priestsaid, “Every hour until you arrive one of the Earth-things dies a wicked death.”
    Kelly leaned forward, slammed off the screen with a sudden furious sweep of his hand. He turned in anger.
    “Don’t stand there glaring at me! You, Herli, you told me I wouldn’t even make it into the temple! And if any of you guys had been where I was and saw that jewel like I saw it, you’d have taken it too.”
    Mapes growled under his breath. Herli’s shoulders seemed to sag; he looked away. “Maybe you’re right, Briar.”
    Kelly said, “Are we helpless? Why didn’t we fight when they took those twelve kids? There’s maybe a million Han, but there’s fifty thousand of us—and they have no weapons that I know of.”
    “They’ve seized the power station,” said Herli. “Without power we can’t distill water, we can’t radiate our hydroponics. We’re in a cleft stick.”
    Kelly turned away. “So long, fellows.”
    No one answered him. He walked down the stairs, across the parking strip to his air-car. He was conscious of their eyes looking down fromthe window.
    In, up, away. First to his cabin by the lake, under the shag-bark for the Seven-year Eye, then the arc overthe planet, south to north. Thenthe gray fortress of North Settlement, and the dark temple in the center.
    Kellydropped the air-car directly in front of the temple. No reason now for stealth.
    He climbed to the ground, looked about through the strange purple twilight which had come to the ramshackle city. A few Han movedpast, and Kelly saw the flash of their faces.
    He walked slowly up the steps to the temple, paused indecisively in the doorway. There was no point in adding further provocation to his offenses. No doubt they planned to kill him; he might as well make it as easy as possible.
    “Hello,” he called into the dark interior, in a voice he tried to keep firm. “Any priests in there? I’vebrought back the jewel…”
    There was no response. Listening intently, he could hear a distant murmur. He took a few steps into the temple, peered up the nave. The muffled red and green illumination confused rather than aided his vision. He noticed a curious irregularity to the floor. He took a step forward—another—another—he stepped on something soft. There was the flash of white below him. The floor was covered by the black-robed priests, lying flat on their faces.
    The priest he had trod on made no sound. Kelly hesitated. Time was passing…He crammed all his doubts, fears, vacillations into a corner of his mind, strode forward, careless of where he stepped.
    Down the center of the nave he walked, holding the green jewel in his hand. Ahead he saw the sheen of the tall black mirror, and there on the black cushion was a second jewel identical to the one he carried. A Han priest stood like a ghost in a black robe; hewatched Kelly approach without movement. Kelly laid the jewel on the cushion beside its twin.
    “There it is. I’ve brought it back. I’m sorry I took it. I—well, I acted on a wild impulse.”
    The priest picked up the jewel, held it under his chin as if feeling the warmth from the green fire.
    “Your impulse has cost fifteen Earth lives.”
    “Fifteen?” faltered Kelly. “There were but twelve—”
    “Two hours delay has sent two to

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