    "I’ll be back then," he said. He turned on his heel and went back to his room.
    Kicking off his shoes, Dion shook his head. He peeled off his clothing as he headed to the shower. Standing under the hot spray, he contemplated his reactions to Patty’s joy. One human female should not be able to make him feel the way he was feeling right now. Not only was there a physical reaction, like the obvious one he had right now in spite of himself, but Patty pulled at something deep inside of him. Pulled at something no one else ever had. At something he hadn’t even been fully aware had existed within him.
    A Greek-fucking-god, that’s what he was! He was Dionysus, the son of Aurora, Goddess of Light. He was the brother of Ira, the God of Wrath. He was the freaking son of Zeus himself! Dionysus, the God of Wine and Revelry, the god of fucking women’s brains out! That’s who the hell he was, and hadn’t he proven he was worthy of the name? Hadn’t he spent his lifetime enjoying wine, women and song across both worlds? Hadn’t he left hundreds, nay, thousands, of women wanting more of him, even though they could barely move when he was through with them? Hadn’t he taken revelry to new freaking heights?
    Rinsing off, he took a calming breath, stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, which he rubbed quickly over his body and head. He leaned on the sink and stared into the mirror. The face before him was ever familiar, not having changed in a few thousand years, but he didn’t usually look at himself. Now he examined his face, his eyes, his hair, and his body.
    Never had he wondered what his life meant. Never had he questioned who he was. Never had he doubted his goals. Never had he thought of changing for anyone. So why was he having such a problem with all of that now? Why was one woman invading his thoughts through the days and his dreams at night?
    Perhaps he just needed to fuck her until she begged him to stop. Perhaps it was only lust. Perhaps all he needed was to get her naked and under himto get all of this, this … emotiona l crap out of his system.
    Having come to that decision, Dion stepped back and looked at himself again. There, that was all he needed. A good, long talk with himself to figure out the problem and to figure out a workable solution. After all, wasn’t that what he did? Find solutions for problems?
    He exhaled; satisfied he would have it worked out of his system by the time this night was over. He went back into the bedroom and dressed. Black slacks, black turtleneck with a black blazer thrown over it, and black shoes on his feet. Against all that black clothing, his blonde hair looked paler, his eyes that much darker. She’d be a fool to turn this down, he thought, and smiled. Greek god or no, he was hella hot!

~ 5 ~
    Holding her chair, Dion seated Patty at a table covered in white lace, set with silver candlesticks holding tall, white tapered candles that flickered carelessly in the breeze. The waiter poured champagne into delicate crystal flutes for them both, and served the meal on elegant china, then discreetly disappeared. From a distance, violin music floated on the air, mingling with the soft scent of the roses Dion had given her. He’d planned their dinner on the balcony of his room to the last detail while she getting ready, and from the look on her face, he knew he’d made the perfect choice.
    "I can’t believe you did all of this," Patty exclaimed. "It’s so perfect, so wonderful. So much better than a restaurant."
    "I’m glad you like it," he replied and poured them more champagne.
    Conversation was light as they ate anti-pasta, followed by channel lobster, and for dessert, there was zuppa ingles, a wonderful rum-soaked cake layered with pastry cream.
    Dion found himself hanging on her every word, noting her every reaction. He couldn’t get enough of her, and he wanted to know everything about her.
    "I was so average growing up," Patty told him as

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