
Read Greatshadow for Free Online

Book: Read Greatshadow for Free Online
Authors: James Maxey
Tags: Fantasy
    “Thank you, Aurora,” said the Black Swan. Her scratchy, dry voice made me imagine that, should she cough, dust would come out.
    The old woman turned her head toward Infidel, then motioned her to have a seat on the padded leather chair across from the couch. As Infidel sat down, the Black Swan said, “Aurora informs me your lover has passed away.”
    “He wasn’t my lover,” said Infidel, somewhat over-emphatically, I thought.
    “I see. I had assumed—”
    “You assumed wrong,” Infidel snapped. “Stagger was my friend. With the life I’ve led, I needed a friend more than I ever needed a lover.”
    “Ah, friendship,” said the Black Swan. “It’s a commodity I find sorely overrated. You cannot pay someone to be your friend; they may pretend to be so, but you would always know the truth. In my experience, if a thing cannot be purchased, it has no true value.”
    “Or it may have the greatest value of all,” said Infidel.
    “Your naiveté is charming.” The Black Swan shifted on her couch. A handful of downy black feathers drifted to the floor. “Though, perhaps I’ve underestimated your judgment if you didn’t take that old drunkard as a lover. You must have known that when the desire for alcohol gripped him, he would have gladly walked over any of his so-called friends to reach a bottle. Even you, my dear.”
    If I’d still had teeth, I would have ground them.
    Infidel pressed her lips together. I was surprised at how calm she seemed. She said, “I haven’t come to discuss my personal life. I’ve come to pay off Stagger’s debts.”
    The Black Swan tilted her head. “This is most honorable of you.”
    “Honor has nothing to do with it,” said Infidel. “I want to clear the balance sheets once and for all. I know you think of Stagger and me as a team; I don’t want the money he owed you to influence any business we may undertake.”
    The Black Swan nodded. “The skull will cover Stagger’s debt, and more. I will arrange an auction. Aurora will deliver the balance of the proceeds to you.”
    “Keep them,” said Infidel. “I want to open my own account to make use of your services.”
    Aurora raised an eyebrow, obviously surprised by this news. The Black Swan’s face showed no reaction.
    “I want to hire the Three Goons,” said Infidel.
    Aurora’s other eyebrow shot up.
    “This is... most unusual,” said the Black Swan.
    “Is it?” asked Infidel. “They’re hired muscle. People purchase their services every day.”
    “Despite your many limitations, my dear, you are hardly lacking in muscle. Why would you possibly need their help?”
    “I’ve got a robbery in mind. A smash-and-grab with a payoff that will make this dragon skull look like a hunk of tin. As good as I am, I’ll need backup. The Three Goons can get the job done.”
    “Undoubtedly,” said the Black Swan. “Alas, I cannot give you what you ask for. Another client recently engaged the Three Goons in an open contract. I don’t know when they will be available.”
    “I’ll buy out the contract,” said Infidel. “Just name the price.”
    “My dear, I admire your ambition, but you cannot possibly match the resources of this client. For all practical purposes, their purse is infinitely deep.”
    “Who is it?” Infidel asked. “I’ll talk to them. Make them an offer.”
    “You know that is a confidential matter.”
    Infidel frowned as she crossed her arms. Negotiations weren’t Infidel’s strong suit. I used to handle this sort of business.
    The Black Swan said, “Perhaps there are others who could serve your needs? Commonground is thick with mercenaries. Post a bill and you’ll have a hundred men standing in line for the job within an hour.”
    Which was true, but the Three Goons were worth a lot more than a hundred men. Remember No-Face? The only man who ever gave Infidel a split lip? He’s one of the Goons. And he’s not the one that most people are afraid of.
    Infidel’s hands balled

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