Good Girl: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)

Read Good Girl: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) for Free Online

Book: Read Good Girl: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Willow Winters
slave. Whether I like it or not.

    T he bed is so comfortable . So warm. And Kane covered me with a blanket and gave me a pillow to rest against. It feels so good. It’s been a long time since he left. There’s no clock in the room, but I think it’s been hours. My muscles relax, but then I remember who I am. I remember why I’m here. My body tenses and I sit up and push my back against the headboard. I can’t let my guard down.
    I thought of Kane while he’s been away. My new owner. Temporary owner. Bad thoughts, things I shouldn’t be thinking. I don’t know if it’s because of what I’ve been through or something else. But I want him to take me. My thighs clench together and a wave of arousal heats my center. I’ve been a good girl. And when I’m good, they’re nice to me. They’re still rough, and sometimes it hurts. But they make sure it feels good for me, too. When I’m good.
    But Kane hasn’t.
    I wonder if I haven’t been good enough. If I haven’t earned my reward. Usually they establish it quickly. I shake my head. This isn’t right. “No.” The word slips past my lips as a mere breath. Something’s wrong. I shouldn’t be thinking these things. I shouldn't be fantasizing about him pinning me against the wall. My back arches at the thought.
    I can’t help it.
    I crave his touch. I need to know I’m being good. I’ve worked hard to be a good girl.
    At least I know I haven’t angered him. I would definitely know if I had. The thought sends a chill down my spine. The warmth in my core and my heated thoughts vanish.
    I still don’t understand Kane. I don’t know what to think about him.
    He’s not like the others. Not yet, anyway. I don’t remember what’s normal and what isn’t. I used to think they’d be nice, they’d be different. But they’re all the same.
    Except Kane. This is very, very different.
    I want to believe he’s a kind person. He doesn’t seem so bad. He’s not rough with me. Not at all. And he’s given me freedom from that fucking collar that kept digging into my neck. But I’m afraid to think that. I’m afraid that he’s merely setting me up. He wants to test me. That must be it. This is all an act. He’s waiting for me to be bad.
    I look down at my wrists at the shitty knot that’s binding my hands together. I could get out of this. I’m sure I could. I haven’t tried, but I know I could. He’s either not used to this, or he’s testing me. I’m not sure which one it is, and either way I would end up with the same result.
    I settle my back against the headboard and square my shoulders. I will be right here when he returns. I close my eyes and picture his face. I will not do anything to compromise my opportunity. I know I’ll see him again soon. He’ll come to check on me. He said he would. I need to be good. I need to make sure I live to see him again. Memories flash before my eyes that harden my heart and strengthen my resolve.
    My eyes pop open at the sound of the door opening. I have to remind myself Kane is the enemy. His comforting touch makes my body weak. The cravings I have are from the sick way I’ve been conditioned.
    Kane is not good. I’m just fucked in the head. I need to remember that. I’ve already forgotten so much about myself. But I have to remember that. None of these men will help me. None of them are good.
    He walks through the door with fistfuls of bags. I feel a pull to go help him. But I stay seated. After all, I’m tied to the bed. Kane tied me to the bed.
    He drops the bags on the floor in the center of the room. He looks tired. He turns to me and gives me a tight smile before walking closer. I stay still and make sure to look at him. I’ve only had one other owner who wanted my attention. And he only kept me for a day.
    “Sorry it took so long,” he says, as he starts untying the binds. He must see how easily they come undone, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead his face displays a quick look of worry and then

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