Girl Jacked
poked out her tongue. “I’m just visiting the college, not enrolling today, right?” Replacement settled into her seat and crossed her arms.
    Jack laughed, “Good line, kid.”
    She smiled, put her hands behind her head, and stretched her feet on onto the dashboard. Jack made a mental note to give out positive reinforcement.
    “How are we going to start looking into this?” she asked.
    “You want to start at the end of the trail–” he began, but she cut him off.
    “Why don’t we start with the cops then?”
    “That’s not the end of her trail. Besides …” He was about to go on about Detective Joe Davenport and the fact that he liked to go over case details while he was baiting a hook, but he thought better of it. “I don’t want to muddy the waters. We’ll start at her apartment. And I will ‘ quietly’ call over to Fairfield’s Sheriff’s Department and see what they have.”
    She remained silent for the rest of the ride except for the occasional ‘turn left’ and ‘turn right’ as she gave him directions.
    They arrived outside an upscale apartment complex, close to the college and in a great part of town.
    How could Michelle afford this and school?
    Just one look with a raised eyebrow conveyed that question to Replacement. “She got a full scholarship.” He could hear the ring of pride in her voice. “Free everything!”
    “Scholarship?” Jack didn’t remember Michelle playing any sport.
    “It was a work scholarship for computers. She had to work here, but she could go to school. She is super smart.”
    Jack drove past the apartment. His car would stick out wherever he parked it in this neighborhood, and he wanted to create the illusion that he was an approachable, normal, guy. He swung into a parking space and shut off the engine.
    “Just keep quiet, okay?”
    She pantomimed a key locking her mouth again and flashed him an impish grin. Jack frowned. That smile said she was going to do what she wanted in the long run.
    I should lock her in the car! But, if I have a young girl with me, I’ll be more approachable to college students.
    Jack debated and decided to take her along . She made no effort to hide her grin.
    Yeah… lost that one Jack.
    “Does she have a roommate or a boyfriend? Was she in a sorority? Did she talk about friends?” He fired off questions as they walked towards the apartment, angry he hadn’t asked them on the car ride over.
    “Yes, she has a roommate. No boyfriend. No sorority. And no she didn’t talk about friends.” She fired the answers back with a triumphant grin. “Missy Lorton.” Her smile widened as she had guessed his next question before he asked.
    He ran his fingers through his hair and scanned the buzzers. He hesitated when he noticed that Missy’s was the only apartment with one name, LORTON, typed on a fancy tan paper that was slightly darker than the others.
    The paper is newer; the paper from the other apartments has faded. Someone doesn’t think Michelle is coming back.
    “You’re sure this is Michelle’s apartment?”
    “It said LORTON and CAMPBELL when I came out before.” Replacement jabbed the paper with each word.
    Jack pressed the buzzer.
    “We’ll talk to Missy first and then to the neighbors, okay?”
    Someone buzzed them in.
    They jogged up the stairs. Jack didn’t have time to catch his breath before the door to apartment 328 swung open. A rather short, extremely plump girl stood in the doorway.
    “I thought I was going to meet…” Her whiny voice trailed off, and she took a step back.
    “Miss Lorton? My name–” Jack started to say as he worked up his most dashing smile.
    It didn’t work. Missy’s mouth flew wide open, and she tried to slam the door shut. Jack’s foot paid the price of acting as a doorstop. 
    “Miss, I’m just here to ask you a few quick questions.” He tried not to clench his teeth from the pain.
    “A salesman?” Her pudgy face relaxed, and the fear on it changed to barely hidden

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