Girl Jacked
… cousin…” He regretted the lie as soon as it passed his lips.
    “Crap! Crap!” Jack jumped as Replacement began twitching and swearing behind him. “Sorry! Crap! Sorry pretty lady!” Her head was spasmodically going back and forth as her arms and legs jerked. Even though Jack knew it was an act, it was quite unnerving. “Crap! Son-of-a–"
    “There, there. It’s okay.” Jack wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. He honestly wanted her to stop before he started laughing.
    Mrs. Stevens stepped back and clutched her robe to her chest. “Is she dangerous?” Her eyes were wide with fear.
    “No! No. She is harmless!” His voice was reassuring as he began hustling Replacement down the hallway. “I just need to get her meds refilled right away.”
    They burst through the door. Replacement grinned from ear to ear and made a goofy face. He stared at her and put his hands out.
    “What was that? Are you trying to get me kicked out?”
    “You said follow your lead!” she protested.
    “Shutting up would have been following my lead.”
    “You told her I was mental! Where did you come up with that? And your cousin? You think she was gonna believe Miss Fake Boobs is your cousin?” she laughed.
    “If you wanted to act, how about trying Forrest Gump, and coming off harmless and not like some twitchy little psycho?”
    “I called her pretty!” She shrugged like that should cover everything.
    Jack was speechless. He stared back at her not knowing what to say. Movement at a second floor window caught his eye. Mrs. Stevens pulled the curtain back to look down at them.
    “Okay act a little out of it, she’s watching.”
    Replacement went back to her fish-out-of-water-dance. This time though, she toned it way down. He couldn’t help but smile as he led her to the car and noticed the odd looks they received from some of the other people on the street.
    Jack started the car and headed for the college. As they drove, Replacement behaved like a big puppy. Even though it was cold out, she rolled her window part way down and started touching all the buttons. When she went to mess with the radio, he swatted her hand away.
    “Stop touching everything.”
    She checked herself in the mirror and then almost climbed into the back seat. He looked over at her. She had the body of an eighteen year old but the social graces of a toddler.
    Twisting back around, she flopped down and pulled out the ashtray, causing some coins to spill onto the floor of the car.
    “Sit still. You’re making me nervous,” he chided. She still acted like that ten-year-old puppy that chased him and Chandler around.
    Jack pushed the ashtray back into the dash of his car. It was a worn, blue, dented 1978 Chevy Impala that had been semi-refurbished. He had picked it up at a police auction for short money. It had way too many miles on it. Jack and the car were twins in that regard, but the Impala seemed to be running better right now.
    Replacement made a face. “This car is …”
    His look must have been cutting because she shut right up.
    You don’t say anything about a guy’s car. It’s like ranking on someone’s mother.
    Jack saw her shiver and then she frowned and rolled the window back up. After a few miles, she asked, “Where are we going?” She had kept quiet a lot longer than he thought was possible.
    “White Rocks. First stop is Michelle’s apartment, and then we’ll go on to the college.”
    “Why don’t you go and see what the cops have?”
    Jack kept his eyes on the road.
    Because my boss, Sheriff Collins, is so by the book that he would go crazy and tell me to follow proper channels and let Fairfield P.D. and Joe Davenport, handle it.
    “We’ll start at her apartment. Do you have the address of where she stayed?”
    “Yeah but I was there once, and they didn’t know nothing …” she tapped her knuckles against the car door in frustration.
    “Didn’t know anything.”
    “Sorry teacher,” Replacement

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