Genesis Girl
ever seen.”
    “And how many online tabloids have you seen?”
    I stab more veggies. “Only this one. But I’ve read all about them in my textbooks.”
    Cal smiles, and the corner of his mouth twitches. “Textbooks? Printed pages are yesterday’s news. That’s why Viruses like Seth are so successful. They’re on the front lines of stories. Yes, sometimes they go too far and sometimes they break the law, but they share information that people care about.”
    “More like steal information that’s none of their business.”
    “Sometimes, yes.”
    “Viruses hurt people,” I say. “Some of them are violent!”
    “Seth’s not. He’d never assault anyone to get a story.”
    “Physical violence isn’t the only way to cause harm.” I think about the Tabula Rasa parking garage and the instant when Seth ripped all my future plans away. “Viruses hurt people. I can’t believe you’re defending them.”
    “I’m not defending them, I’m illustrating a point. What Viruses do isn’t black and white. In many cases, they’re public workers. They bring knowledge out into the open. And even if they were entirely in the wrong, Seth is still my son. Virus or no, he’ll always be my flesh and blood.”
    I take a deep breath. I hope I haven’t offended Cal. I know better than to have argued with my purchaser. Thankfully Headmaster Russell isn’t here to witness my infraction. I shiver, remembering my training.
    I have to be sure. Can I trust Cal? Can I trust him to know what he wants?
    “You want to be a father again,” I say. “But just to Seth, right? You’re not looking to start over?” It never hurts to clarify.
    Cal’s eyebrows shoot up and then furrow. “No,” he says quickly. “I want a second chance with Seth, that’s it. One kid who hates me is enough.”
    Okay then. Now’s the time to make Cal feel important. That’s what Barbelo Nemo would say. If you want to control somebody instead of be controlled, tell that person what they want to hear.
    “Then you need to stop thinking of yourself as a bad father,” I say, “and start thinking of yourself as a good person who’s on the road to getting his son back into his life.”
    Cal doesn’t say anything. He stares down at his asparagus.
    “A grand gesture,” I continue. “You’re showing Seth that you’re the type of father who will do whatever it takes to win back his son. How can Seth say no to that?”
    “Do you think it will work?”
    “Of course it will. If you want to be a good father, then I want that too. I’m going to make it happen.”
    I say that because I have to, never mind that I still don’t know where I fit into all this. Cal wants to be a father to Seth. Not to me. What will happen when this is all over? Does Cal want me to lure Seth or be with Seth? Is there still a chance Cal wants me for himself afterward?
    “Do you think tomorrow night will work?” Cal asks. “I know that if I invite the McNeal Solar Enterprises board of directors to a party in your honor, they’ll come. But what about Seth? He’s never bothered to show up before.”
    “He’ll come,” I say, tapping on my platinum cuff. I fake a confidence I’m not sure I deserve.
    “I hope so.” Cal folds his napkin. “I’m banking on it.”

Chapter Four

    Wrap me in silk, twirl me around, and tie up my chest with diamonds. My bare arms are cold, even though Cal has every fireplace in the house burning. I lean into his shoulder and drape my wrist around his arm. His wool jacket is scratchy but warm.
    “I didn’t think I’d be so nervous,” Cal says as we descend the stairs. There are executives everywhere, filling up the great hall. The McNeal Solar Enterprises board of directors is out in full force, watching my every step.
    “You’ll be fine.” I try to sound reassuring, but I’m not used to so many strangers. Invisible butterflies beat in my stomach. In mere seconds, an older lady in a sequined top approaches, her black hair pulled

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