Her Viking Lovers
preparation for something. “Are we in danger?”
    “ Neinn ,
but you cannot stay here. It… it is some of the men from the expedition. They
have returned.”
heart bounded against her chest. Sickness churned in her stomach. The day for
which she had been praying for so long was upon them. The same day she had
taken a new lover and admitted her devotion to another.
shook her head. “ Neinn , he was not with them.”
    “ Já .”
head swam. Rennir was alive? What had kept him away for so long? And what could
she do about Alrek? Tears threatened to close her throat. She loved him. How
could she return to Rennir now? But the love she held for her husband beat
heavily in her chest still and she was bound to him. She would have to do her
duty and return.
you, Yrsa,” she murmured huskily.
now, Esa. They are in the hall but he shall return in a moment and be expecting
you in his bed.”
nodded and closed the door gently. She dressed and stole one last look at the
sleeping man, sorrow trapped deep in her breast. He would understand why she
had to return but this would open up all his wounds once more. No matter how
much she had convinced him he was worthy, it would all be undone with Rennir’s
finger combed her hair and tried to tie it neatly. Tears threatened to spill
out but she kept them in check. Crying would do her no good. Though her own
heart hurt at the thought of never lying or loving with Alrek again, it was the
pain it might cause him that truly crippled her.
love you, Alrek,” she whispered before she left.
hurried back to her hut, relieved to find Rennir had not returned home yet. She
crawled into bed, nerves eating into her. He might question her state of dress
but her fingers shook too much to remove them. What would he look like? Would
he be the same man? And why had he left her alone all these years? Indignation
filled her. If it had not been for him, she would never have considered loving
Alrek. Rennir’s disappearance had forced them together and now she had been
unfaithful to her husband and had hurt her lover.
door creaked open and Esa feigned sleep, unwilling to face him yet. Would he
see the truth? Know her for the woman she was now? If he found out about Alrek,
he too would suffer if he still loved her as he had done.
rustled and the bed shifted. A familiar smell surrounded her and a strong body
slid in beside her. She sobbed, unable to hold it back, as arms wrapped around
her stomach and drew her into him.
    “ Já ,
my Esa. I am back.”
rolled and gazed up at the man she thought she’d never see again. Creases lined
his eyes and tiny silver threads twined through his beard but it was definitely
Rennir. The twinkle of mirth remained in his eyes, that bright spark that
attracted everyone to him. Another sob bubbled out of her.
not cry,” he soothed and stroked a hand across her cheek.
thought you were dead.”
did I. Without you, I might as well have been. For too long my heart has been
empty. To think of you alone crushed me.”
ship wrecked on a small island. No one lived there save from a few wolves. We
awaited rescue but none came.”
shook her head. “We sent out ships but found no sign of you.”
know. The elders said as much. We were taken far off course by a heavy storm.
We survived some time living off the land but the island was barren and difficult
to live on. Hunger and disease killed many of us. When wood washed ashore from
another wreck, we decided to risk a journey across sea. It took us many weeks
and we barely knew where we were going. But I had to try. I had to return to
cannot believe you are here. For so long I hoped you would return but I lost
all hope and could only grieve.”
kissed her lips. “I am sorry for making you grieve. I am here now, Esa, and

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