From Titans (Book 4)
instructions, but none came.
    “ Are you trying to torture
us, Eris?” Zeus waited for a reply. With no answer, he continued.
“It ’ s rude to make your guests wait.”
    “ It ’ s rude not to invite a
friend to a party,” a voice answered in my mind.
    Zeus rolled his eyes. “You
hold grudges way too long. It ’ s no way to live.”
    “ I can ’ t help myself. After
all, I am the goddess of chaos.” Her tone was seductive, yet high
pitched, and chills prickled down my spine.
    “ Show yourself.
I ’ ve
missed seeing your lovely face.”
    “ You ’ re still the same,
Zeus. So flirtatious. But you ’ ve always had good taste in
beautiful women. I ’ m surprised Hera
hasn ’ t left you. Maybe she ’ ll find a real man this
    Zeus frowned and tightened
his fists. “ She
doesn ’ t need a man when she has a god of Olympus by her side.
Speaking of which, did you have to get engaged to one of my descendants? Oh,
that ’ s right. You kidnapped him, and you ’ re forcing him to marry you.
Doesn ’ t sound like you can find a man to love you. The only way
you ’ ll ever have love is by force.”
    “ Shut
up! ” the same voice snapped.
    A woman with long blonde hair, dressed in a
red, flowy dress, materialized from thin air on the other side of
the invisible wall.
    “ Hello,” she purred. “My
name is Eris. It ’ s a pleasure to have you.
I ’ m
glad you all could make it.”
    “ We already know who you
are, get on with it, Eris,” Zeus hissed.
    Her friendly tone sent a jolt of anger
through me. That lunatic thought she was engaged to my Mason. My
eyes stung with rage, and my fingertips sizzled, ready to attack as
soon as she dropped the shield, but I suppressed my anger. We
needed answers first. No good would come from our visit if she
refused to tell us where she hid Mason.
    Nick sprang from behind and pounded on the
invisible wall. “You crazy bitch! Let my brother go.”
    Hades held him back.
“You ’ ll have to excuse him. He ’ s been going a bit crazy looking
for his brother. I ’ m sure you
    Eris glared and hissed,
showing her perfect white teeth. “Don ’ t be a fool, Nick, or
you ’ ll never see your brother. But he ’ s not really your brother.
Isn ’ t he just a half-brother? Anyway, I can ’ t wait to call you
brother-in-law. We ’ ll become one happy family.” She
showed off her white teeth but didn ’ t smile.
    Nick covered his ears. “Over my dead
    “ Now, now. Behave, little
one,” she scolded, waving her finger. “Or I just might give you
what you wish for. Death is permanent, you know…at least for your
    Nick growled, and light shot from his
fingertips. Everett held him back. When Zeus gestured with his
hand, Nick stilled.
    Zeus focused on Eris
again. “Where ’ s Cronus? Tell him to show
himself.” His calm tone sounded confident, but I knew he feared his
    “ Cronus
isn ’ t here.”
    “ Liar!” Zeus sent the
lightning from his staff. It flashed into the invisible wall and
burst in brightness, blinding us, but it didn ’ t penetrate the
    Eris laughed, like Zeus
had told the funniest joke. “I ’ m the goddess of my domain. You
can ’ t hurt me here. I call the shots, Zeus. Funny how the roles
are reversed. I kind of like that. But don ’ t worry.
You ’ ll see him soon enough—or not. When I say so. So, would you like to come
to my party, or are we going to argue all day?” Eris brushed the
side of her hair, smirking. “It ’ s funny how Zeus is begging to
come to my party. It was the other way around before.”
    “ I ’ m not begging,” Zeus
growled, his eyes crackling with electricity. His rage shook the
ground. “You ’ re forcing me to come. Get this
over with before I do something I won ’ t regret. And to clarify: It
wasn ’ t my wedding. I didn ’ t send out the invitations, but
if I had, I wouldn ’ t have invited you
    Eris threw a daggered
glare at Zeus and waved

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