From Titans (Book 4)
you ’ ll never see him if you continue to attack me.” Eris linked
her arm with Mason ’ s. She peered up at him and
caressed his cheek. “Isn ’ t he dreamy?”
    Mason gazed beyond us as
if he didn ’ t see us. His stoic expression,
his posture so still and robotic, worried me. I concluded he had
been drugged or hypnotized. It was so wrong on every
    “ Release him.
He ’ s
not your property. You have no right to take him,” I spat, my heart
thundering uncontrollably.
    I didn ’ t care what happened
to me. Needing to wrap my arms around Mason outweighed the
consequences. Fury took over, and electric light sizzled from my
body. Eris was going to get it. I bolted straight for her. Instead
of colliding with her, I slammed into an invisible wall and dropped
to the ground.
    Hades picked me up as I
tried to gain control. “Don ’ t be stupid, little sis.
You ’ ll only hurt yourself. I understand your pain.”
    I didn ’ t heed his warning,
nor did I care. Pounding on the invisible wall, I let it all out.
“Let him go! He ’ s not yours. You
can ’ t! You can ’ t… you can’ t…” Tears dampened my eyes
as I punched the wall over and over, taking me back to the Bella
Amore kitchen wall where Mason had been taken from me. It tortured
me to have him in reach and unable to do anything.
    “ He
doesn ’ t know you, silly girl.” Eris ’ s lips spread widely, stroking
Mason ’ s arm. “Like I said before, he ’ s mine.”
    “ What are your demands?
What do you want in exchange for Mason?” Zeus asked, placing his
hand on the shield.
    Eris stepped away from Mason to the banquet
table. She picked up a cherry, ate it, and spit out the seed. After
a long stretch of silence, she finally answered. “I thought you
would never ask.”


    Sunlight glistened across
Sky ’ s beautiful face as her hair danced with the light wind. Her
eyes settled on me lovingly, and I came alive with recognition. My
heart thundered, and every cell in me burst from missing
her. Sky, it ’ s me. You found me, baby. I knew
you would. I ’ ve missed you so much.
didn ’ t she answer?
    Sky, Sky,
Sky . No response. I tried to run to her,
but like before, I couldn ’ t move. She
couldn ’ t hear me. But could she see me? She dipped her head low for
a second, and when she looked back up, sadness filled her eyes.
Then blistering fire filled them, and her fingertips sparkled with
electricity. Like a wild animal, she pounded her fists in midair.
Then it all became clear. An invisible wall separated us. She
yelled an unfamiliar name, Eris, who must have been the goddess
holding me hostage. My heart sank, and the little bit of hope
crushed, shattering my heart to a thousand pieces.
    I closed my eyes to pacify
the gut-wrenching pain, but no matter what I tried to do, seeing
Sky and then having to let her go again was torture. After Sky came
closer, I could clearly make out her face. Her eyes were sunken
with dark circles underneath. She too lacked sleep. My poor Sky. I
knew exactly how she felt, for her pain was mine. Then Everett and
Nick came into view, lips contorted and foreheads creased. Zeus,
Poseidon, and Hades even came to my rescue. They studied me as if I
were some kind of novelty. That made me wonder what was wrong with
me and what I ’ d been forced to wear. If the
gods couldn ’ t take me home, then it was
    I wasn ’ t the type to easily
give up, so I urged my body to fight. But it did not
respond. How do I gain control of my
body? Is there even hope for me? I never cried, but the thought of being trapped
with Eris for who knew how long, and then seeing my Sky without
touching her, killed me. A hot drop of liquid streamed down my
    Sky, I know you
can ’ t hear me, but it ’ s so good to see you, baby. You
look so tired and ill. Please take care of yourself. I wish I could
be with you. I miss you so much it hurts to look at you. I think of
you every day and night. You ’

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