From Dream to Destiny: The Ten Tests You Must Go Through to Fulfill God's Purpose for Your Life

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Book: Read From Dream to Destiny: The Ten Tests You Must Go Through to Fulfill God's Purpose for Your Life for Free Online
Authors: Robert Morris
fabricated evidence. And if you believe his lies, you could stay in that pit indefinitely.If you want to get out of that pit, you are going to have to learn to discern the enemy’s lies and resist them with the Truth.
    The first truth we must keep in mind in order to overcome the lies of the pit is this: It is Satan who accuses us, not God. Revelation 12:10 identifies Satan as
“the accuser of our brethren”
(emphasis added). So any time you have a thought that is accusatory, know it is from Satan.
    This is important to understand, because when you fall into a pit, the devil will immediately begin to accuse you. You can hear his accusations in your mind, in your thoughts. Satan introduces thoughts like,
See, you’re no good, or you wouldn’t be in this pit. What’s more, you’ll never be any good. You’ll never do anything for God. You’ll never get your marriage straightened out. You’ll never get your life straightened out.
Every time you hear a thought like that in your mind, remind yourself of the source. Because it is Satan who accuses us, not God—and we are commanded to resist him (see Jas. 4:7).
    There is a difference between being accused by the enemy and being convicted by the Holy Spirit. You can recognize conviction of the Holy Spirit because the Spirit always offers hope. Conviction says, “You did this wrong; but if you repent, I’ll make it right and help you overcome it.” But condemnation says, “You always do things wrong. You’ll never do anything right. You’ll never get better. Things will never work out for you.” Condemnation is not from God.
    When Joseph was in the pit, he had the opportunity to be accused by the enemy and believe his lies. Satan probably came to Joseph and said, “It is over, man. Those dreams you had are never going to come to pass. You’ve blown it too thoroughly with that pride thing, and now it’s simply too late. You’re going to die in this pit. Everything is over. There is no reason to call out to God now. And why should you trust God anyway? After all, look what God let happen to you. He doesn’t really care about you. Actually, He never did.”
    That is what the enemy does. Every time we’re in a pit, Satan is right there to accuse us. And he doesn’t stop there. He accuses God as well. He says, “Look at what God did to you. Look at what God let happen to you. God is not faithful to you. If He were faithful, this never would have happened.”
    Joseph had to fight against the lies of the enemy, and so must we—if we want to get out of the pit. We know God is faithful. We know His words are true. But when we are in the pit, the enemy will try to get us to focus on our circumstances, rather than on God’s faithfulness. The enemy will even manipulate those circumstances to try to make his lies look like the truth. So if we let the circumstances determine what we believe, we can be caught in the lies of the pit.
    When we are in the pit, the enemy will try to get us to focus on our circumstances, rather than on God’s faithfulness.
    It is important to understand this, because the enemy is very deceptive. He will not only tell you a lie, he will also
fabricate evidence
to support his lies. This is how he was able to get Joseph’s father to believe the lie that Joseph was dead.

    So they took Joseph’s tunic, killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the tunic in the blood. Then they sent the tunic of many colors, and they brought it to their father and said, “We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s tunic or not?” And he recognized it and said, “It is my son’s tunic. A wild beast has devoured him. Without doubt Joseph is torn to pieces” (Gen. 37:31-33).
    The brothers didn’t actually tell their father that Joseph had been devoured by wild animals. Instead, they created false evidence and thenasked their father a misleading question—“Is this your son’s coat?” Jacob believed that evidence, and he jumped to the conclusion

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