Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)
lips quivered pulling up at the sides as his brother turned and walked to the Jeep. His heart clenched and he wanted to hop into the back of the vehicle too. Nora was okay—she had to be. He knew he shouldn’t be concerned over her well-being, but he couldn’t help it.
    N ora opened her eyes, blinking them rapidly against the harsh white light above her. The surface beneath her was cool and there was a steady beep somewhere behind her. Wiggling, she attempted to sit up.
    “It’s okay,” a soft feminine voice said as gentle hands met her shoulders. “You’re safe.” A blonde head appeared above her and blue eyes stared down at her. “I’m Lark. We met very briefly earlier out in the field. Remember?”
    “Yeah,” Nora whispered, hoarsely.
    “You passed out. You’re back at the ranch. This is Devon.” Lark moved back and Nora lifted her head to see the sandy-haired man who worked over her stomach. “He’s a doctor here. You had a couple lacerations. He’s just putting some stitches in you.”
    “What happened to Daniel? Is he okay?” Nora asked lifting a hand to her throbbing head.
    “He was going to see if he could get your car back to the ranch,” Lark replied.
    “He should be here too.” Nora found a strand of hair and wound it around her finger.
    Lark focused her gaze on Devon, who shrugged.
    “He said he was fine.”
    “I hit him with my car,” Nora blurted. Devon halted his movements, his hazel eyes met hers. “The other night he ran into the road. I hit him, and then there was the fight. He’s been up all night. The altercation with those other wolves looked really intense,” Nora rambled.
    “I’m sure he’s okay,” Lark said in a soothing voice after a long moment. “One of the benefits to being a wolf is the quick healing. They heal at least three-to-four times as fast as me and you.”
    Nora nodded, grimacing a little as she felt a pinch in her belly.
    “I’ll be finished in a minute,” Devon commented. “You lost a little bit of blood and have had a few good hits to the head. I’d like to keep a close eye on you, especially since you were out for some time. Chances are you should be fine. You seem alert now, but if anything changes, you feel disoriented, or nauseous let someone know.”
    “I will,” Nora sighed, ready to be done; doctors and hospitals weren’t exactly her thing. “Where’s April?” Nora asked.
    “Out in the hall. There isn’t much room in here. You can see her as soon as we are done and we’ll get you in a room,” Lark assured.
    Nora closed her eyes, allowing the cool metal to soothe her. After a long moment, she peered up at the ceiling. Her heart accelerated and she bit her lip. “Did anyone get my purse out of my car?”
    “I’m not sure,” Lark said.
    “I need it. My medicine is in there.”
    “I’ll make sure they know to bring it,” Lark said, taking a step back, she pulled out her phone.
    “Are you going to need prescription medication called in while you are here?” Devon asked as he set his tools on the table. “You can sit up if you want to. Just do it very slowly, you could experience some mild dizziness at first.”
    Nora cringed as she lifted up onto her elbows. Her stomach muscles pulled at the tiny strings holding her injuries together. “I just saw my doctor and have refills for a while. It shouldn’t be a problem to transfer them over to a pharmacy nearby. I won’t need to do that for another few weeks. How long am I staying here exactly?”
    “You are free to leave whenever you wish, Nora. You’re not a prisoner here. However, given the situation and everything that is going on, I don’t think it would be safe,” Devon offered, looking to Lark.
    The blonde smiled at her. “April wanted to explain everything to you in detail. She’s waiting outside, and she’ll take you up to one of the guest rooms as soon as we finish up in here.”
    “Daniel already told me a lot. I mean, I know most of the people here

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