Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)
turn into giant wolves. What more could there be?” Nora asked.
    Lark grinned. “I think that’s the worst of it. And you seem to be taking it pretty well.” She walked to the door and opened it, motioning for someone to come in.
    April walked in and rushed toward her. “Oh, Nora,” she gushed, enveloping her in a hug. “I’m so glad you are okay.”
    “You too,” Nora sighed, relaxing into her friend's embrace.
    Nora picked at a piece of fuzz on the green comforter. Her mind whirled as she took in everything April had just told her.
    “So, just to be clear,” Nora said, clearing her throat. “This Juarez guy ran your family out of their home. He wants to enslave all the females and breed them with certain men in his pack. There is a possibility that he could come after me now because of our connection and force me to breed too,” Nora said in one breath. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and bit her lip as she waited for her friend’s response.
    “In a nutshell, yeah,” April whispered. “I had no idea when I enrolled at Ole Miss four years ago that this was going to happen. There was the issue with Juarez, but that’s why my family and I chose a school so far away. But things progressively got worse and Juarez’s stretch has grown. I would never have put you—or anyone else in danger.”
    “I know,” Nora said, snapping her head up. “It’s not your fault, April. There are lots of loons in this world, and what’s happening to your family—pack—it’s not your fault.”
    “I never meant to drag you into this mess, Nora. You’re my best friend, and I hate that I’ve put you in this position,” April said, blinking back tears.
    “We all have the right to a normal life, April. This Juarez guy sounds like a real douche,” she said trying to soothe her friend.
    “How are you so okay with this?” April laughed, wiping at her eyes. “I just told you I’m a werewolf, men tried to kill you, and you’re here in Texas when you should be in Mississippi.”
    Nora shrugged and pulled her friend in for a hug. “April, you lost your parents, your grandparents. Despite what has happened I know your heart is broken. I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through right now. You’re still my best friend—nothing is going to change that. I know what it’s like to have people look at you because you’re different. Some things are out of our control, April. Besides, I’ve already stared death in the face once and won. A near-death experience changes your perspective on everything. I want to live, and nobody is going to take that away from me, or tell me how I get to do it. And I’m certainly not going to sit back and let someone take that away from you either.”
    April squeezed her tighter, sniffling loudly. “I’m so lucky to have found a friend like you, Nora.”
    Nora grinned into April’s mousy brown hair. “We’re lucky to have each other.”
    A sharp knock at the door drew both girls apart. Nora cleared her throat. “Come in.”
    The knob twisted and the door creaked as it opened. Daniel gave them a small smile as he walked into the room, Nora’s floral bag in hand. “I brought this back for you.”
    Nora bounced off the bed relieved, grimacing slightly when the stitches pulled across her belly. “Thank you,” she beamed, her fingers brushed against him as she took her bag. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and her face flushed with heat.
    April stood up from the bed. “I’m going to go. I want to get settled into my room. But I’ll see you at dinner.”
    “Bye,” Nora called as April squeezed past them and headed off down the hall.
    “So, how are you doing? You look better,” Daniel started, running a hand through his hair.
    “A little sore, but I’m okay. What about you? I hit you with my car and you’ve been in two fights. You shouldn’t even be standing,” Nora rambled, her eyes roamed over his toned frame, causing her breath to hitch as she

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