Fiancé at Her Fingertips

Read Fiancé at Her Fingertips for Free Online

Book: Read Fiancé at Her Fingertips for Free Online
Authors: Kathleen Bacus
weren’t flirting, were you? You’ve got ten years on that kid, you know,” her friend warned.
    “Today it feels more like twenty,” Debra mumbled, and headed to the racquetball court, ready to inflict some serious damage on the balls, the walls, or both.
    Logan. Logan. With each smack of the racquetball against the wall, one name ricocheted about in a head Debra wasbeginning to worry about: her own. Logan . Everywhere she went, it seemed, that name kept popping up. Logan. Logan. Debra made a flying leap for the ball and returned it with considerable force. Suzi couldn’t get to it, and dove to the floor trying.
    “Okay. That’s it,” she said. “I’m done. Done in, is more like. You’re pumped today, woman. What gives? You and Prince Charming have a lovers’ spat last night?”
    “Not…exactly.” Debra gulped in oxygen.
    “Well, what’s put you in this mood, then, if not the mysterious man in your life? PMS?”
    “Okay. Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s blame PMS.”
    “Works for me,” her friend replied.
    Debra grabbed a towel and mopped her face. “I’m ready to hit the showers, Suz; what about you?”
    “Ditto. You want to grab a taco for lunch?”
    Debra helped her up. “I’d love to, but Mom invited me over for a late lunch. Dad had an early tee time and should be home around one or so. You’re welcome to join us, you know. Mother is always glad to see you.”
    “Yeah, uh-huh. Right. So she can console herself that she’s not the only mother who has a daughter who’s an old maid. Of course, now that Logan’s in the picture, your prospects seem to be improving, don’t they? Which means I’ll be the sole specimen stuck under her marriage microscope while she dissects me for telltale signs of why I’m still single. Nope. No, thanks. My mother’s probing, beady little eyes are quite sufficient, thank you very much. Tell your folks hi from me, though.”
    “Coward,” Debra accused.
    “Okay, I admit it. I’m terrified of the woman. And now that you’re sailing the serene seas of romance on the Love Boat with Logan, your mom will toss her matchmaking nets over the side and try to fix me up with her catch of the day. With my luck, she’ll set me up with Charlie Tuna. Or, God forbid, Sammy Shrimp again.”
    “Come on, Suzi. You know you complain when you’re with a guy who is lots taller than you are. You insist you look like you’re with some child molester.”
    “That shrimp didn’t make five feet with lifts!”
    “Oh? So he didn’t meet the legal limit and you had to throw him back?” Debra teased. “Anyway, you’re one to talk about arranged dates. I still haven’t forgiven your mother for that double date she set us up on with the Buban twins. They looked so much alike that it was the end of the evening before I realized that, somewhere along the line, I’d switched from Terence to Clarence.”
    “And what about your mother and that blind date?” Suzi pushed back. “I mean, the guy was nice enough and everything, but I just wish she’d mentioned he was legally blind or I wouldn’t have suggested a movie with subtitles….”
    “You’re one of a kind, you know that, Suzi?” Debra said, laughing.
    “Yeah, I know,” Suzi said. “I just wish some rich, single, great-looking heterosexual gentleman would figure that out, too. Catch you later, D.”
    After a quick shower, Debra parted company with her friend and headed for her parents’ home in a Springfield suburb. She was helping her mother put the finishing touches on chef salads for a late lunch when the conversation inevitably turned to Debra’s love life.
    “So, when do we meet this lawyer?” Debra’s mother peered at her over the top of her glasses. “You’ve been seeing him for almost two months now.”
    Debra chased down and speared a cherry tomato, dipped it in low-fat dressing, and popped it into her mouth, making a face. “I told you, Mom. I’m taking it slow and easy. I don’t want to jinx this

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