Fear Me
empty seats were. The teacher, of course, was oblivious to his manhandling because her back was turned to the board.
    The medium-sized tables were two-seaters and seemed intimate now that I knew it would be ours. I never imagined us ever sharing anything.
    “Unless Mr. Masters and Ms. Monroe are teaching the class please face the front and do try to pay attention,” Mrs. Connors huffed out when she turned to find that the other students attention were fixed on us rather than her lesson.
    The entire class was sneaking peaks at us until Keiran leaned forward from his sprawled position to rest his forearms on the table to shoot them all warning glares and suddenly they were all scrambling to turn around. It was the one time I was grateful for his power within the school. I didn't want the attention, especially when it involved Keiran. I felt my phone vibrate and read the text from Willow.
    Tell me the rumors aren’t true! What is going on??? U n Keiran?!
    Willow’s social status was not much better than mine, although she didn't have an enemy like Keiran, but if news already reached her than that means the entire school already knew. I looked up at the clock – five minutes.
    That’s got to be a record.
    I started to type out my response when Keiran deftly plucked my phone out of my hand, checking the message before pocketing it. I gaped at him. He just took my phone!
    “Ms. Monroe, please pay attention. If you cannot I will have you removed from the class,” the teacher announced. I heard snickers around the class mainly from a few of the popular girls sitting together in front of us.
    My embarrassment doubled when Keiran shot the teacher a look that had the color draining from her face. She fumbled over herself and then resumed teaching the class. Whoa, the teachers are afraid of him too? That didn’t give me much hope for enlisting help. I wonder who else is afraid of him?
    The rest of class passed without much excitement and I was surprised to find that Keiran was actually studious. He took notes although he didn't engage in any of the discussion. I didn't either, but then again I never really did. I had conditioned myself to stay hidden at all times even when he wasn’t around. It was a messed up way to live but he left me no choice.
    * * *
    By the end of English I was eager for my next period, which was physical education. I was pretty sure I wouldn't have class with Keiran because athletes weren’t required to take physical health as long as they were active on a team. The schools made physical education a yearly requirement at all levels as a way to promote health awareness.
    He stopped me before I could walk off for my next class and said, “Let me see your schedule.” I handed him the card and he scanned it before handing it back to me. He then grabbed my chin and raised my face to his to stare down into my eyes. “You tell no one about this, not even your friend.” I looked away from him defiantly, but he only gripped my face tighter. “Don't test me on this Monroe, you won’t like the consequences.”
    I nodded then asked, “Can I have my phone back?”
    He looked as if he wanted to refuse, but then he dug my phone out of his pocket and handed it over. He followed me all the way to the gym where I had Volleyball. I was looking forward to it for two reasons. Willow and I enjoyed the game so we decided to take it together and Keiran wouldn’t be there. The only downside was there were only females in this class and every one of them was in love in Keiran. I headed into the locker rooms to get changed. As I was storing my phone in an empty locker, I noticed I had a message.
    I frowned at the cryptic message until I read the name or rather the initial "K". He must have gotten my number when he was digging through my phone earlier. I wondered for a moment what I should say before I decided not to respond and tossed my phone into the locker. I changed into my gym uniform while cursing my

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