Fear Me
back to “her”. She was the one he’d killed . She was the reason I was afraid now. But who was she? Did she die because she fought back? These were the questions that have run rampant in my mind for ten years. It was the reason I lived willingly in the dark shadow of his hatred.
    “Give me your phone.” I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden sound of his voice behind me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I completely forgot he was following behind me. Keiran wasn’t a person to easily forget but it was also fair to say that he had me out of sorts.
    I dug my phone out and handed it over. When I looked up, I caught him staring down where my hand disappeared to in my back pocket. I cleared my throat but he took his time shifting his gaze from my ass when I held out my phone.
    He finally looked up and stared at me unapologetic as he took my phone. His eyes were heated and I saw the blatant lust as I felt a flush spread over my body. Nothing about today was normal. Was it really possible to desire someone you hated?
    “Why isn’t your phone locked with a security code?”
    “Oh, I…don't have much activity through my phone,” I stated sheepishly. I only had Willow and Aunt Carissa as constants in my life… there was no one else and he knew that.
    He stared at me for a moment before looking back at my phone. He was taking his time so I got the impression that he was searching through it. What was he looking for? I heard a vibration after a few minutes then he pulled out his phone and silenced it.
    “Why do you still have Peter Simpson’s contact information? Any contact or relationship ,” he sneered, “you have with him ends today. Make this the last time I tell you.”
    “I haven’t even spoken with him in a year since you–.” I stopped when I realized he was ignoring me and remained silent while he finished invading the privacy of my phone. There were a few other numbers in my phone from guys that I saved out of politeness but never used. It wasn't until after Keiran went away that any guy would show me any attention and even then only in complete secrecy.
    Once word got around that Keiran was coming back, the offers stopped. I even had a few guys ask me to delete their number those last few days of school. I didn't understand why, but now I had the feeling it was because they were afraid of Keiran. But why would Keiran care about guys asking me out?He wouldn't care enough to do something that premeditated.
    “What’s your first class?” he asked, handing my phone back.
    “English IV with Mrs. Connors.”
    “Let’s go. We’re late. He walked in the direction of the senior hallway.
    “No shit, Sherlock,” I mumbled. He turned his head slightly as if he heard but turned back without saying a word. I breathed in relief that I escaped that slip-up unscathed.
    I reached the classroom twenty minutes late much to the displeasure of the teacher. She shot me an annoyed look before motioning to take a seat. The other students seemed to be focused on me a little too hard and I wondered what had their attention.
    I shrugged it off and sat down in the first empty seat at a table next to a guy who I think name was Josh. That’s when I realized Keiran was right behind me. I never considered that we might have the same class considering he missed his senior year.
    So that was what had the other kids’ attention . Keiran and I had apparently entered the classroom together . I nervously looked around and could see a few of them speed texting while others continued to stare and I knew by the end of the period the whole school would know about what should have been an insignificant and ordinary piece of information not gossip. Only day one and there was already a rumor spread about me.
    I was taking out my notebook when I felt Keiran’s hand grab the back of neck and lift me, none too discreetly or gentle, from the seat. He then grabbed my backpack and marched me to the back of the classroom where two

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