Fatal Greed
appreciate your support. You’re a great group. Michael.
    As I walked to my office, several coworkers, including Paula, greeted me and told me how good it was to see me back at work. There were several smiles, an extinct expression since PHC announced its acquisition of J&W, from what Paula said.
    “Oh, Michael, come on and give me a hug.” Mrs. Ireland extended her arms so wide I had no way of avoiding her. I realized she needed the hug more than I did, and so I let her hang on for an extra couple of seconds.
    I logged in to our internal network and watched three hundred twenty-three emails hit my inbox. As I sifted through a few of the urgent emails, Jennifer, another manager peer, dropped by.
    “Glad you’re okay, Michael. We thought we were dealing with too much when J&W announced the acquisition, but what you witnessed earlier this week…I’m not sure how you’ve dealt with it,” Jennifer exclaimed.
    “With a couple of bottles of vodka,” I said dryly while reviewing an electronic customer invoice. I lifted my eyes from the screen, and then Jennifer finally got that I was joking.
    “I guess you know it was Tiffany.” Jennifer curled her hair over her ear, a nervous habit I’d seen several times.
    I nodded my head.
    “It’s hard to believe it’s someone we know. I had seen Tiffany only a couple of times, but it’s really scary to think someone could throw a human being into a dumpster like a piece of garbage.” She stared at me, apparently waiting for me to spill my soul.
    I wasn’t taking the bait. I changed the subject to lighten the mood.
    “So, have you bought your dress for the big party tomorrow night?” I rummaged through a mound of paperwork on my desk. “The final J&W Christmas party might be the best.”
    The Taylors went all out for this annual event. They were cheaper than Walmart three hundred sixty-four days of the year, but their holiday celebration helped foster some goodwill toward the richest family in this part of the state. And this year they’d need it more than ever. You couldn’t predict if some numbnut might seek revenge on the family with the most to lose.
    “I am looking forward to it, but I can’t decide what to wear. It’ll probably come down to how bold I’m feeling just before I leave. Did I tell you I actually have a date this year? My cousin is in town, and he’s dying to see the mansion. And the free food and drink doesn’t hurt.”
    “Free is good,” I mumbled without looking up from my screen. Jennifer got the hint I needed some peace and quiet to catch up.
    I finished reading a Statement of Work and signed the document, then looked at my watch and realized my meeting with detective Carl Pearson was fast approaching. Gazing at the blur of my computer screen, I thought about the brutal crime associated with Tiffany’s arm and her body stuffed in a plastic bag. I pondered what type of person would have committed such a heinous act. And Tiffany, such a beautiful, smart young woman. I wondered if she fought back to her last breath, crying out for help from God above.
    I shut down my computer and draped my barn coat over my arm, then popped my head in Paula’s door.
      “I’ve got to run to a meeting at the police department. Have you seen Reinaldo today? I’d like to say hello before I take off.”
    “I didn’t want to add to your stress, Michael, but I’m a bit concerned.” Paula removed her glasses and pinched the top of her nose. “Reinaldo has called in sick the last three days. Mrs. Ireland said he sounded very down, maybe even depressed. There’s so much going on around here, it’s easy to understand. He lives in your neighborhood, right?”
    I could see her anxiety. The news disturbed me as well.
    “Honestly, I’m not sure if he’s even living there,” I said. “Marisa and I saw a For Sale sign in his yard, and then it disappeared. I haven’t seen anyone in the Silva family around their home in weeks. No signs of life.”
    Paula and I

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