Fatal Greed
him an incentive to get this mess cleaned up.”
    “With no connection to any of us, including Turug , I’m assuming.”
    “Given what we’ve been told, I would expect an arrest in the next three days.” Chuck added, “But there aren’t any guarantees. Emotions are involved. The situation is still somewhat….uh, fluid.” Victoria swerved and popped the median curb and came within a few inches of smashing into a light pole. She quickly pulled over to the side of the road and gathered her thoughts.
    “Victoria? You there?”
    “This is not a good development. I don’t like all this uncertainty. Too much risk,” she said, her blood finally reaching her brain. “Your ops chief, I’m assuming his unique skills will help steer this investigation in the right direction for all parties. Correct?”
    “Correct, ma’am.”
    “First, I want to make sure there will be no arrests until Monday. We have a company party at our estate, and I wouldn’t want to bring our family name into this sordid mess.” Her voice was stern.
    “Secondly, while I initially thought it was best to stay at arm’s length during this operation, I now want information on the progress being made, at least until we reach a point where I’ve received my fair compensation.” Victoria carefully pulled back onto the road.
    “I assure you we’ve dealt with many communities like this one. We understand which levers to pull and whose hands need a little greasing,” Chuck said.
    “This is far more complex, and you know it, Mr. Hagard . The money at stake here makes this game much different from any you have played.” Victoria reached the main highway heading to her family estate. “For starters, I want to meet your man in charge of this operation. If he’s as outstanding as you say he is, he’ll have no problem convincing me of his ability.”
    “Listen, Victoria, I know you understand the gas business, maybe better than some of my top executives, but what we’re talking about here isn’t the gas business. It’s down-and-dirty business. You want no part of this.”
    “I understand we’re not dealing with the Tooth Fairy here, Mr. Hagard . And given everything I’ve put on the line, I hope you understand the risk I’m taking in even speaking with you, let alone the role I’ve played thus far. I respect your team’s, uh, expertise in special situations like these. However, I’ve given you enough latitude. I’m not confident your men won’t screw up this entire deal.”
    “Why Victoria, is that a sexist comment?” Chuck asked with a small laugh.
    “Take it as you may.”
    “Okay, okay. I’ll figure out a way for you to meet with my operational chief, and we’ll get regular updates.”
    Chuck wondered how he could keep his man in charge under control. A shock collar came to mind. A typical Christmas bonus wouldn’t suffice. The guy required special privileges, and sometimes he took them without asking.
    Victoria must think he was working this deal with a bunch of choir boys. Damn, she’s naïve.

Chapter Fourteen
    I tapped my left foot, used my steering wheel as a drum, and sang along with the chorus as I drove to the office. Despite dealing with Jeanne and the drama at Greenberg & Associates, I found myself singing a Christmas carol as I parked in my regular space.
    I was back at the location of the most horrifying incident of my life. Half-jokingly, I wondered if my short-term memory was fading because of my concussion, allowing me to temporarily forget all the recent stress.
    I entered the back door and paused. My memory of the room filled with whirling, humming fans was far different now. The sour smell of a rain-soaked carpet had been replaced by a cedar and cinnamon mixture. Decorative clusters of pinecones and garland hung from every doorway. I went directly to the breakroom and wrote a note to my coworkers on the main whiteboard: Thank you for the balloons and cookies. Marisa and I

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