Falling for the Ghost of You

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Book: Read Falling for the Ghost of You for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Christie
laugh.    "Have you had any complaints before?"
    I bite my lip.  "No, but, I've only ever kissed Matt."
    His head comes up at that, but before he can say anything, Mom and Bill show back up.  She looks much more calm and composed as she takes her seat.  I try not to notice that Bill is wiping lipstick off his mouth with his napkin.
    "Violet," Mom begins, reaching over to grab my hand.  "I am so sorry for calling you a stripper and a hooker.  You know how I go on when I'm nervous."  She smiles tremulously me, then turns to Zane.  "Zane, I hope you can understand...sometimes I say things that are completely out t here—a nd have absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.  For example, Violet.  She worked as a cashier at her grandmother's bakery, not as a stripper.  She would never take her clothes off for money, nor would she ever —”
    I clear my throat loudly to interrupt the train wreck that is her good intentions.  "I accept your apology, Mom.  It's in the past, and let's just let those painful memories die."
    Mom opens her mouth.  "But Zane..."
    "No worries, Lily," he says smoothly.  "I assure you, I didn't be lieve for a second that Violet wa s a stripper, or a hooker."
    "Thank you," I say warmly.
    "Welcome," he says, and smiles over at me.  My heart bumps around erratically.
    Mom looks pathetically relieved, and things go better after that.  Zane is super easy to talk to, and seems nothing like his awkwardly shy dad.  I can't help stealing glances at his incredibly perfect profile, the sculpted features...that sexy mouth...I bet he's a fantastic kisser.  And I've always been a sucker for broad shoulders.  And a hard muscled chest and washboard abs—visible even under his shirt.
    My eyes helplessly trail down his trim waist and hips to his long jean-clad legs sprawled carelessly under the table.  When I finally get back to his face, I realize he's watching me check him out.
    Oh, my god!  So embarrassing!
    I meet his amused gaze for a split second, before I turn away so fast I nearly give myself whiplash.  I try to think of something to say to explain my staring, but what can I say that will excuse all the drooling?
    I'm not really drooling.  I touch the corners of my mouth to make sure.
    Oh, thank goodness.  Mom is talking.
    "Zane, I gave Violet your number in case of an emergency.  I hope that's okay?"
    "Absolutely.  Feel free to call me anytime, Violet."
    "Thanks," I mutter, still blushing like a freak.
    "Violet, call Zane so he can have your number," Mom says to me. 
    "Um, I will," I say uncomfortably.  “Later.”
    Never.  With any luck, I won't have to see him until the wedding.  Maybe by then he will have forgotten about my perverted eye-lick.
    "So, what do you think?" Mom asks me on the drive home.
    "Bill seems nice," I mumble, looking out the window at the passing scenery.  "Good-looking, too.  You guys are cute together."
    "Thanks!  He likes you, too.  I know he seems like the strong silent type, but once he gets to know you, he'll open up more."
    I try to picture Bill and I sitting side by side on the couch, eating popcorn and talking about our feelings.  The image refuses to come.  Instead, I see us sitting quietly together at a table, sewing different parts of a quilt.
    I don't know why I'm imagining that.  It doesn't make sense.
    "Once again, Violet, I am so sorry about the stripper/hooker thing.  I don't know why those words were in my head, but I would never— "
    I turn away from the window to pat Mom's shoulder.  "Forget it, it's fine.  I know you didn't mean it.  It's like the time you had car trouble, and that mean cop hassled you."
    Mom clutches the steering wheel with both hands and groans.  "Oh, don't remind me about that.  I nearly got arrested for that one."
    I snicker. "Hey, anyone can get 'b lowout' confused with 'blow jo — '"
    "Ah, don't!"
    "I think that cop would've taken you up on your offer if I hadn't been there."

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