Evil Red
pair of brown leather boots she’d won off another recruit during a
game of cards.
    “Welcome home, Miss Ward,” Melcher said.
    “This isn’t my home.” Nor was that her name, but
she’d gotten over that during boot camp. Her role had been cast.
Besides, she’s never liked the name Williams.
    “It is now,” Crist said.
    Valerie narrowed her eyes. The She-Bitch might think
she called the shots now, but that wouldn’t always be the case.
Valerie planned to rise to the top, and when that day came, she’d
decide where she lived.
    Melcher opened the back door of the SUV. “We’ll go
over your living arrangements and first assignment on base, and
then you’ll be free to settle into your accommodations.”
    Finally, a plan that sounded halfway decent. Valerie
threw her bag in first then jumped into the back seat.
    Head held high, she walked through the base’s
hallways feeling a thousand times better than she had the last time
she was here. Valerie waltzed into the agents’ office, dropping her
bag beside a chair before sitting, legs crossed.
    Melcher walked around his desk to face her. He
rotated his wrist in the air, grinning.
    “Your instructors were very impressed with you. They
said you were one of the best they’d seen in years.”
    Valerie tried to look bored. Just because that
information brought her pleasure didn’t mean Melcher needed to
know. All her life, she’d been trailer trash. A sure thing. A good
lay. No one had ever thought she’d amount to anything.
    Now look at her. Secret government spy. Like Alias or
Charlie’ s Angels.
    Boot camp had been the role Valerie had trained for
all her life.
    Beautiful young woman attacked outside Los Angeles
club. Wakes up in Alaska and forced to hunt vampires by secret
government agency.
    With the audition over, she was ready to get to the
good stuff—undercover work in real-life settings. No more cells and
training tests, just good old-fashioned, hands-on assignments.
    Valerie tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Now you
know what I can do. What’s next?”
    Melcher gave an approving nod. “We have a very
important assignment for you, Valerie.” He moved to a file cabinet
against the wall, pulled open a heavy metal drawer, and extracted a
folder. The drawer banged shut.
    “We need you to get close to a vampire named
Francesco Donado.”
    “And by close, we mean date,” Crist said.
    “I am not dating one of those creatures. I’ll kill
them, but I won’t date them.”
    Crist’s face turned a bright shade of red. “You will
do exactly as we say unless you want to end up serving lunch in one
of our facility cafeterias the rest of your life.”
    Valerie clenched and unclenched her fist. Should she
punch the bitch or slap her? Before she could decide, Melcher put
up a hand, narrowing his eyes at Crist.
    “No one understands your revulsion more than me, Miss
Ward. Yours is the toughest mission an agent can receive. As such,
I only reserve this kind for the most elite among our ranks. The
last informant we assigned to Francesco failed and has been
reassigned to undercover work in Fairbanks.”
    Valerie worked her jaw from side to side. If anyone
could succeed where others had failed, especially when it came to
men, it was Valerie. She loved a challenge, but that didn’t mean
she’d spread her legs for some disease-riddled undead guy.
    “Francesco is not violent and has never killed anyone
that we’re aware of. He’s your typical rebellious high school
senior. He’s been attending Denali High School the past three
years. We’ve enrolled you there, as well.”
    Melcher was sorely mistaken if he thought he could
keep talking and Valerie would suddenly forget her earlier
    “He goes by the nickname, Fane,” he continued.
    Valerie’s lips curled back. “What kind of loser
vampire calls himself Fane?”
    Melcher handed the folder to Valerie. She opened the
file to a photograph of a young man with jet black hair buzzed on
the sides and

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