Evil Red
a clump of bleached-blond hair on top.
    Valerie looked at the photo and smirked. “The kind
who dyes his hair black and blond.”
    The picture was paper clipped over a stack of typed
pages. She studied it closer. The vamp had startling brown eyes.
Too bad they were so far apart. His cheeks were slightly hollow.
His lips were uneven and full, which might work for Angelina Jolie,
but not on a dude. In short, he had the kind of face only a mother
could love.
    Valerie’s lip curled back further. If she was going
to cozy up to a vamp he needed to look like David Boreanaz, Ian
Somerhalder, Paul Wesley, Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt, or Tom
Cruise. Take a pick.
    “ You can ’t
seriously expect me to kiss those lips,” Valerie said, unable to
tare her eyes off the photo. His ugliness held an inexplicable
fascination over her.
    When Melcher
didn ’ t answer, Valerie
said, “He’s certainly nothing to look at.”
    “Don’t underestimate Francesco. He’s been around
almost as long as the Mona Lisa.”
    Valerie flicked a lock of hair that had fallen over
her shoulder. “Is that supposed to impress me?”
    “Francesco is nothing like the vampires you saw in
initiation or training. He is clever, cultured, and cautious. Do
you think you could get close to him, Miss Ward, or do I need to
find a recruit who’s up for the challenge?”
    Valerie straightened her spine.
    “Fine, I’ll get close to him. Doesn’t mean I’ll fuck
    Valerie smiled to herself when she saw Melcher wince
at her language. The prude made a quick recovery.
    “I’m not asking you to do that. Get close to him
however you can. Accompany him to social functions and find out who
he spends time with. Keep a journal of all the names he
    Did Valerie look like the kind of chick who kept a
journal? Think again, Agent Douche.
    Valerie pursed her lips thinking it over.
    Beautiful young secret agent seduces vampire.
    Valerie sat on the edge of her seat, back straight,
nose lifted. “Will he try to bite me?” she asked.
    “Only if you let him,” Melcher said.
    “Where will I be living?” Valerie asked, changing
    “We have a room set up for you in the home of one of
our staff members.”
    Valerie’s eyes narrowed. “ I don ’t need a babysitter.”
    Melcher grinned ever so slightly. “Consider it part
of your probation period.”
    “Probation?” Valerie cried. “I graduated from boot
camp. My instructors said I’m ready for active duty.”
    “We’ll see how you do,” Melcher said.
    She’d show him what she could do. She would’ve liked
to do a demo right here in this stuffy office, but
self-preservation kept Valerie planted on her seat. The death glare
would have to do for now.
    “Now, let’s talk clothing,” Melcher said, folding his
hands over his desk.
    Finally, a topic that deserved attention.
    Melcher craned his head toward his partner. “What do
you think, Agent Crist?”
    Crist gave Valerie a sour-faced once over. “I think
she looks too Beverly Hills.”
    Valerie turned in her chair until she was facing
Crist then crossed her arms. “I’m not the one in need of fashion
advice. Has anyone ever told you that blouse is hideous?”
    The woman’s scowl instantly lifted Valerie’s
    “Miss Ward, I advise you not to insult your
superiors,” Melcher said through clenched teeth.
    Good, she’d gotten to him, too.
    “Sorry,” Valerie said, smiling sweetly. “I didn’t
mean to hurt your girlfriend’ s
feelings. ”
    Crist’s face turned beet red, just what her
complexion did not need. The woman sputtered, but stopped when
Melcher lifted a hand. His eyes locked on Valerie narrowing to
slivers that cut across the room and stole her breath away. Turned
out the dweeb had his own death glare, one that inexplicably made
Valerie feel this unassuming asshole had been holding back, but if
he wanted, he could do some serious damage.
    Her body wanted to shrink back into her seat, but she
fought with

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