Eversong (Midnight Playground)

Read Eversong (Midnight Playground) for Free Online

Book: Read Eversong (Midnight Playground) for Free Online
Authors: Eden Bradley
veins as the group walked in. Vampires, all of them. Ancient. Unbelievably beautiful.
    The bonded pair of vampires from the Paris club were the first to cross the room, the lovely, androgynous Laurent with his angelic, curling mane of blond hair, and his partner Xavier, whose chestnut locks hung in waves around his broad shoulders. They both smiled, white eyeteeth glinting, as they came to greet Aleron with a kiss on each cheek then the same for Ever and Ramsey.
    Behind them was the darkly brooding Bastien from the Berlin club, his calm, gray eyes gleaming, and Dane, the youngest of the Council, who ran the Amsterdam Midnight Playground. His hair was as pale as Ever’s, but his eyes were a brilliant, startling blue. So pretty as he smiled at Ever, as he leaned in to give him a kiss of greeting on the mouth that lingered deliciously. So pretty, Ever spent a moment considering him…but his mind was on the new pair of vampires who were even now fucking in another room. He could feel their heat, their great need calling to him.
    He reached out with his mind, forcing his focus past Mercy’s distant cries of pleasure to the dark vampiric essence moving down the hallway. He lifted his gaze to the door as the remaining two members of the vampire Council came into the room.
    The elusive Storm, who managed the Midnight Playground in Prague, his long, black hair seeming to float around his tall form like a mist, a stunning contrast to his jade-green eyes. He was old—older even than Ever. No one knew how ancient Storm was, or where he’d acquired his name. But he wore his great age like an aura of both sadness and sensuality. Invincibility. Enormous power. And finally, behind him, was the diminutive Chiara from the Rome club. She was like some wicked sprite, with her glowing olive skin, her dark hair and eyes. Those who knew Chiara knew her hot temper, her blatant, simmering sexuality and her propensity for extravagance. It was said she kept a pair of albino alligators on golden chains in her rooms in Rome. She came to Ever and wrapped her arms around him. He breathed her in, flashes of the nights they’d lain together running like some sensual film through his head. She was as lovely as ever. But still, his mind kept wandering back to Mercy. To Deo. The two of them together. He couldn’t seem to stop. To concentrate on the vampires before him.
    He felt pleasure shimmering through Mercy’s system, biting deep. Pulsing. Saw Deo’s aquamarine eyes as he gazed into hers. Filled with love. With lust so powerful he felt his own cock thrum with the force of it. That gorgeous, plush mouth of his coming down between her thighs. Tasting her flesh. Her blood. Like honey, all of it…
    Pleasure stabbed into him. Sharp. Unexpected.
    He blinked, tried to shake it off.
    “Ever?” It was Chiara’s voice, her lyrical Italian accent. “Is something wrong?”
    “No, no. Everything is fine. Of course.” He pulled her in, kissed her stone-smooth cheeks then both her hands, making her smile. “Please, everyone make yourselves comfortable. Calam will serve you some wine.”
    There was a low murmur as they all found seats on the velvet and damask chairs and low couches, giving him a moment to regain his composure.
    What was it about those two? So very young. So freshly made.
    Perhaps that’s it. Perhaps they remind me too much of what I’ve lost. Innocence. The ability to see the world with new eyes.
    Why then did they make him feel more as though he’d gained something rather than lost it? He’d felt that odd sense of loss too often recently. Had spent hours brooding about Vérún, lost in memory. Thinking too much of his love for her, how it had faded with time and yet seemed more crucial than ever lately. He’d thought almost constantly of her encroaching madness. The idea that perhaps his mind would wander too far at some point, as well. That he didn’t have enough to anchor him…
    “Ever, will you not sit with us?”

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