Eternal Vows

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Book: Read Eternal Vows for Free Online
Authors: Chrissy Peebles
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult
could do is to leave me a can of Raid.”
    The pocked steel of the bars chilled her already cold hands as she wrapped her grimy fingers around the bars. How did a Bigfoot expedition with thirty researchers turn into a kidnapping? I’ve been thrown down here by some kind of King Arthur wannabe! It’s not possible…is it? She had no idea, but she was sure it all had something to do with Sabrino Cave, the same place her older sister had disappeared from ten years earlier while on a camping trip.
    Sarah and her sister had decided to go on a hike that morning. Liz had entered the cave first. Since she was a whole year older, she thought she’d take responsibility if things went wrong. As Sarah began to follow, a towering, fur-covered figure jumped out and grabbed for her.
    Sarah shook her head, sucking in a deep breath as the scene played out, those yellow eyes seared forever in her mind. She couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose at the memory of the skunk-like stench emanating from its matted brown fur. The thing chased her into the woods, but she somehow made it back to her parents. Her sister was not so lucky and had not been seen since. Nobody believed Sarah’s story, but since that fateful day on, Sarah had made it her mission to find her sister and prove to the world that what she saw that day was real.
    She rubbed her temples. Is that cave some kind of mysterious portal? Her heart raced, and she couldn’t stop the flood of hope that ran through her veins, even though the whole thing sounded absurd. The thought that her sister might still be alive spurred her on, and she wished she could find a few sticks of dynamite to bust herself out of that joint.
    Suddenly, a door squeaked far off to the left, followed by the sound of footsteps echoing through the corridor.
    Craning her neck to catch a glimpse, she squinted through the shadows flickering from the torches hanging on the wall. A figure approached, its face obscured by the partial darkness. A guard? No…something more sinister. My captor. King Victor’s blue eyes met hers, and her breath caught in her throat. He wore the same Knights of the Round Table garb as before, with two differences: a red velvet cape trimmed with black and white fur hung close to the ground, and he topped off the ensemble with a gold crown adorned with jewels. The facets of the gems reflected the light of the torches. Showing off, is he? Sarah could have sworn he’d been out costume shopping on eBay.
    “Where the heck are we?” she hissed, glaring at him.
    He flashed her a charming smile. “Still playing the fool, Highness? We’re in Tastia, as I am sure you already know.”
    “Tastia? What map would I find that on?” She snorted as she squeezed her fingers around the rusted bars.
    He picked at his perfectly manicured nails. “Acting stupid is not becoming, milady.”
    “Stupid? I’m not the one walking around in that ridiculous Halloween costume at this time of the year,” she seethed. Finally, she managed a calming breath, “I’m not in California anymore, am I?”
    “California? I know not of such a place, and your stories will get you nowhere, Princess Gloria. No one has ever heard of this place you speak of.”
    Sarah was suddenly painfully aware how real her situation was. There was no way even dedicated actors would risk kidnapping charges to stay in character. By the look on the king’s face earlier, he really didn’t know what a radio or image thermal camera was. It was no wonder he thought she was crazy when she’d mentioned a cell phone and 911. Everything was adding up, and she didn’t like what it was adding up to. She took a step back, clutching her chest as the realization hit: Yeah, we definitely had to have entered through some portal, probably in that stupid cave! The same one the Bigfoot creatures—the Guardians—use to come through into our world, our time! It was a small wonder to her that no shred of evidence had ever been found. As she realized what

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