Escape 3: Defeat the Aliens
invisible to our sensors?”
    She realized this was an issue she must address, rather than leaving it to Chester. “Star Traveler,” she called over her throat disk. “Do you hear me?”
    “I hear you,” came his humming speech over her ear buds even as her shoulder tab hissed the words in Slinkeroo speech. “All that you have spoken, and all you have seen, has been relayed to me by your transport and by the items you wear. What is your wish?”
    Jane noticed how the yellow glow about the Prime Elder had grown. As had the glows about the six other members of the Council of Seven. Clearly a sign of concern. Or worry. Or something. “Hungry Learner, you hear the words of the artificial mind who lives aboard our starship. His name is Star Traveler. He is an ancient mind. He helped me and Bill during our takeover of the Blue Sky . And he has convinced many other ship minds on Collector ships to stop cooperating in the capture of intelligent beings.”
    “Ahhh,” hissed low the elderly Slinkeroo. “We do not have self-aware devices such as this Star Traveler. Our researchers have long discussed the creation of such entities, but we lack the knowledge to do so. Your . . . artificial friend is welcome here.”
    Relief flooded through her body, leaving her heart beating faster. She had not realized how tense she’d become upon their entry into the Hall of Silver Scales. Being on stage like this was something she did not enjoy. Even when she and Bill were being given Navy Crosses by the president, she had hated being in the public eye. This time was similar, but different. These walking snakes seemed like good people. Time to make a command decision.
    “Star Traveler, transmit down to this hall all the technical specifications for our ship technology. Send them the specs for our Magfield engine, our Alcubierre stardrive, our gravity plates, our antimatter projector, our plasma batteries, the composition of your hull, send it all down.”
    Humming came over her ear buds and from her shoulder tab. “Shall I transmit on the frequency used by the Prime Elder when he spoke with you during our final approach?”
    Chester shifted his position, moving forward to stand at her left side. “Yes, use that frequency.” She reached out and grasped Chester’s right shoulder. “Hungry Learner, your first steps in defeating future Collector ship visits are now taken. I have shared our technology with you. I hope you will join our star alliance. Whether you join, or not, you will now be able to build ships like our ships, weapons as deadly as our weapons, and be able to stop any future Collector ship from capturing your people.”
    The yellow glows about Prime Elder and the other six senior Slinkeroo shrank to barely a foot out from their black skins. Their leader nodded his head up and down, clearly having learned the body gesture from their holo chats on the way into the system. “Much you share,” he hissed loudly. “We thank you. We will learn from you and create devices to protect our world and our people. Now, let our council discuss with your Chester the meaning and requirements of this star alliance you propose. Already I feel eager to join it.”
    She smiled, then stopped, realizing snake-like people did not smile the human way. Well, perhaps Chester would learn how a Slinkeroo smiles. Or shows happiness. She pressed him forward. “Chester, take over. Time for me and Bill to join Time Marker in meeting his parents.”
    The stocky man looked her way, gave a nod and a wink, then stepped toward the elderly walking snake. “Prime Elder, let me tell you about the NATO of the Stars!”

    Bill pushed away the plate of spaghetti and meatballs he was eating. Jane had just entered their ship’s Food Chamber, followed by four of his saloon buddies and Chester. Behind them came Time Marker. The walking snake had

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