Escape 3: Defeat the Aliens

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Book: Read Escape 3: Defeat the Aliens for Free Online
Authors: T. Jackson King
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Military, Science Fiction & Fantasy
some of the computer programmers he’d met at Coronado and elsewhere. In that sense, Bill liked him. He also liked how the critter had not hesitated to kill the spider Alien who’d lasered him. Their crewmate turned his triangular head, looking at Jane.
    “Captain of the ship, my clan volunteers look forward to learning crew functions on the ship run by . . . by Captain Joe,” hissed Time Marker.
    That was a development Bill liked. The ship Manila Bay had been captured during the assault on the Market world at HD 128311. Up to now, the only live crew on it had been Joe. The ship’s AI had managed to run the functions usually handled by a five man crew. Now, with six Slinkeroo on board, Joe was likely feeling some relief. And perhaps a few electrical shocks whenever he stepped into the nimbus glow of any of his new crew.
    Jane took a sip from her mug, wiped the foam off her lips, then set it down with a thud. “Good to hear that. Maybe we can spread some of them out to our other ships. Once they get some training.” She folded her hands in front of her, leaned forward and looked command intense. Bill licked his lips. Clearly this was going to be a major meeting. Maybe the most important meeting since they’d left Earth on their way to zap the Market world closest to Sol. That had been their first assignment from the president. The second had been to visit the five star systems of the Alien crew aboard Blue Sky and get their people to join this NATO of the Stars. They’d begun that task by arriving here at the Slinkeroo system. Now, after hearing the boasting of the praying mantis captain of the enemy ship, and the deadly news from its AI, it was clear they faced a decision point.
    “So who do we kill next?” rumbled Frank, ever the Marine ready to storm something, somewhere. Bill had long respected the former veteran of the Marine Special Operations crew. The man had left the service as a Gunnery Sergeant. Now, with all of them reactivated and called back into their respective services, thanks to the order of General Harriet Poindexter of the JCS, Frank seemed ready to put his wide shoulders against any obstacle in their path.
    His wife lifted a thin black eyebrow. “That is what this meeting is about. We have two options. Either return to Earth and alert the JCS to the report of this new fleet gathering at Kepler 62, or, head directly to Kepler 62 ourselves and see what damage five ships can do against this fleet. Before it attacks Earth. What say each of you?”
    “Captain,” interrupted Star Traveler with a hum. “There is additional new data I gained from the ship mind Diamond, when we shared minds earlier. I have updated information on the nature of the Buyer society. Do you wish to hear it?”
    Jane grimaced. Bill could tell she felt bothered by the AI’s smart-ass manner. Still, it had been their first ally after their capture. Both of them had learned to respect it, even as its personality had become more arrogant and, at times, obscure. “Yes. Of course I wish to learn any data relevant to our mission of destroying the Buyer culture. Speak!”
    “As you wish,” hummed low the AI. “Within Orion Arm the number of space-going species has increased to 3,012. For the Buyer society, it now consists of 840,992 Buyers located on 413 worlds, of which 59 are Market worlds. Captives are being gathered by 85 Collector ships. Which is two more than the 83 your Weapons Chief created thanks to the destruction or capture of 12 ships,” the ship mind hummed long and low. “Two new Collector ships have been built at a location other than the orbital factory that was destroyed during your battle at Kepler 443.”
    Jane looked thoughtful. “Any word on how large this fleet is that they are gathering at Kepler 62? Any news on where the new Collector factory is located?”
    “No and yes,” Star Traveler hummed. “The new Collector ship factory is reported to be operating at system Kepler 66, which lies 3,611 light

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