Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2)

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Book: Read Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2) for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Mankin
the heavy weight of a roomful of stares. The rasp of my jacket zipper going down sounded unusually loud. “I’ll be ready to go in just a sec,” I threw out in an effort to break the expectant silence.
    “No problem, man. Take your time.” Dizzy, his bleach blond hair judiciously spiked, joined me in the center of the room offering his usual knuckle bump greeting. “But first let me introduce you to King and Sager.”
    His expression friendly though reserved, the powerhouse drummer threw out his hand. “Juaquin Acenado, but everyone calls me…”
    “King.” The inky haired bassist completed his sentence with a smile that softened the sharp angles of his face considerably. “I’m Sager.”
    I dipped my chin as I shook their hands.
    “Alright, JJ.” Lace’s voice easily carried over from the other side of the room where she stood. “Show these losers what you’ve got.” That made me grin. It was good to have at least one person in the room totally in my corner.
    “Will do, Double L,” I promised, peeling the straps of my backpack like guitar case from my damp shoulders. I set it on a side table and began to undo the latches.
    “It’s pretty wet outside.” Bridget suddenly appeared right beside me. She had a drying cloth in her hand and ran it across the top of my case absorbing the excess moisture. It was a thoughtful thing to do. “I’m sorry about Carter.” She gave me a shy sideways glance from beneath the fringe of her thick lashes, and I let out a quiet sigh, relieved to find out that Carter was her brother, and not her boyfriend. “He’s just five, and doesn’t always understand everything he hears. He’s a good kid though.”
    “No worries.” I reached over and covered her hand with my own. Her skin was silky soft although a little cold. I definitely felt that unmistakable jolt of attraction the instant we connected. I started to move in closer, but she jerked her hand away and stepped back as if I’d burned her.
    “Ok. Good.” She lowered her head, spun around on the soles of her tennis shoes, and walked quickly back to the other side of the room.
    Fine, run away for now , I thought, my eyes watching appreciatively as her hips swayed gracefully in her oversized jeans, but the game was on. I’d have her… eventually.
    When she reached the kid, she knelt down and tickled him under his arms. He giggled in the same easy way she had laughed just moments earlier. Bridget led him to a row of folding chairs that had been set up on the opposite side of the room from where the band’s equipment was situated.
    “Let’s get going.”
    I turned with the neck of my guitar in hand to find Bryan giving me an impatient look. My lips flattened. I was getting a little tired of this guy’s attitude toward me. I nodded throwing the guitar strap over my shoulder and snapping my Hummingbird into position. I otherwise ignored Bryan, a bit of a snub since he was clearly in charge, making eye contact with Dizzy instead. “I wanna warm up with ‘Blackbird’. Would you be ok following me?”
    “Sure, man.”
    I gave him a head nod and immediately launched into the well-known Beatles acoustic number. It was a song most musicians cut their teeth on as adolescents. Dizzy complemented me well and seemed to be enjoying playing the familiar melody as much as I did. I certainly loved singing it.
    The soundproofed room was completely silent when we finished.
    I lifted my gaze from my instrument. Lace was beaming proudly. Carter was bouncing on his chair and Bridget was frowning again.
    What was it with her?
    Why the flip flopping from open and sweet to this closed off cold routine? I knew she had to feel the attraction between us. Not only that, but chicks always dug it when I sang. That was a given. Back when Avery and I used to perform together, they would line up for me outside the dressing room door.
    “That’s your favorite song!” Carter exclaimed tugging on Bridget’s arm and breaking the awkward

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