
Read Enough for Free Online

Book: Read Enough for Free Online
Authors: Jade Chandler
rougher on women than anyone I’d ever met, but he was a brother.
    “You want to go to Bound?” Jericho gave me that shit-eating smile of his. He already knew my answer.
    “I got business back home.”
    “Redheaded business.” He laughed. “You’re in full hunt mode.”
    I stepped into the cab of his old Ford and slammed the door closed. “It’s what pussy hounds do, and I got the scent.”
    Jericho’s smile went flat. “Make sure she stays when you’re done with her.”
    “That’s normal shit for us. Hell, I can’t think of the last chick who left my bed angry when it was over.”
    He nodded. But the idea of someone else replacing me in Red’s bed didn’t set well with me. I wasn’t going to tell Jericho that she’d already managed to create this new itch in me and I hadn’t even tasted her, let alone heard her scream my name.
    Once we got back to the clubhouse, I headed for Marked Man, only to find her gone. When Zayn told me about her questions, I thanked him for doing my job. I hung around with the guys an hour or so, and thought about heading home, but I wanted to see Red, so I got comfortable on the bottom step, popped in my earbuds and played some Godsmack.
    The wait was so worth it when she walked in and saw me. I didn’t look her way, but I saw in my peripheral vision the raw hunger that flashed on her face right after the comical surprise. The woman had a terrible poker face.
    She stood there weighed down with too many bags, so I took them. I skimmed her palms as I transferred her bags to my hands. Sweet heat warmed my hands, it was the same every time we touched. If I didn’t get moving, my hard-on would be only too obvious. When I was about halfway up the stairs, she finally got a move on. I looked over my shoulder to see her blush. Damn she was sexy when her cheeks pinked. And then I imagined her other set of cheeks pink. Another to-do on my growing list of ways to pleasure her.
    Once in her apartment, she dropped her stuff, told me to wait, and almost ran from the room. I stared after Red’s retreating back, wanting nothing more than to get into her pants. After that kiss this afternoon, no way I’d be leaving without tasting both sets of her lips. Wondering if she was a true redhead had driven me a crazy since the moment I saw her.
    Bags down on the counter, I stared around the place I’d lived with Jericho for the first five years after I joined the club. Even our piss-poor furniture, including a bed in the living room and fold-up table and chairs, beat Red’s furniture. A single chair that Rebel had left behind was the extent of her furniture. Boxes lined the living room walls and a couple sat in the corners of the kitchen. Where the fuck was her furniture?
    I dialed the boys and had them meet me at Red’s car so we could get this shit done.
    “I want to get her crap unloaded and you guys gone, she owes me some answers.” Irritation built in me.
    They fell in beside me. When Red bumped into me, I swear she jumped out of her skin. She definitely didn’t look happy to see me, and then when she turned and faced the other two guys, I had to hold back a laugh at the scared rabbit face she pulled. We’d totally freaked her out.
    Of course, the three of us beat her up the stairs.
    “What the fuck?” Rock turned in a circle.
    I shrugged, leaning against the wall. Her lack of stuff made me suspicious. I needed no surprises in the shop and no one bothering her. Just the thought of her in danger did things to me. No dude wanted to be on the receiving end of my anger for hurting her.
    Eventually she quit stalling and joined us in the apartment, right before I’d decided to go retrieve her ass. The fake smile and confident sway of her hips didn’t fool me, she wished us all gone, and I’d bet me most of all. Too bad. I tapped my fingers on my crossed arms, barely able to keep quiet until the guys split.
    “Where’s your stuff?” I assessed her stiff shoulders pushing out her perfect

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