The Long Fall of Night: The Long Fall of Night Book 1

Read The Long Fall of Night: The Long Fall of Night Book 1 for Free Online

Book: Read The Long Fall of Night: The Long Fall of Night Book 1 for Free Online
Authors: AJ Rose
actually startled in his incredulity. “Are you kidding? If you’re right, people are going to need as much of a head start as they can get.”
    “Which only narrows our head start. All you’re doing is making the panic hit sooner.”
    Anger welled in Elliot’s chest. “You warned a whole classroom full of people!”
    “People smart enough to be logical about what’s going on.”
    The chirp of the vehicle unlocking interrupted Elliot’s sputtering, and Ash stopped and stared at the car-shaped tarp in its spot at the end of the row, the lights blinking through the canvas.
    “You ever drive it?”
    “No,” Elliot said tersely, setting his bag down to fold back the cloth, revealing a gleaming black Audi sedan. Ash helped, then hit the button to pop the trunk when Elliot stood with the cover bunched in his arms.
    “You probably don’t need that anymore, and it’ll take up space.”
    “What, just leave it here? That’s stupid.”
    “No more so than taking it with us and not using it.”
    “Whatever,” he said, realizing it wasn’t worth the argument. He dumped the cover into the corner as Ash put the bags from the kitchen into the trunk, then swung his duffel bag in, slamming the lid decisively.
    “Time’s wastin’. Get in.”
    “I am smart,” Elliot gritted out once they were moving, picking up the thread of conversation about warning Julian. “I’m just having a hard time believing the Unabomber.”
    “No one’s forcing you to be here,” Ash reminded him.
    “Let’s get something clear. We’re in my car. You aren’t letting me come along. I am letting you borrow it. Letting you drive. We’re a package deal. You ditch me, you ditch the wheels, too. Let’s not forget who is doing the favor here.” Fucking or not, he wasn’t about to get walked on. He really hoped, however, Ash wouldn’t decide that was a deal breaker and just park and walk. Even a short drive back to the garage wasn’t wise.
    “I don’t need this particular car, Elliot,” Ash said, as if reading his mind. “I’m perfectly capable of acquiring another one, so if you want to take your precious baby and go it alone, fine by me. But speak up now so I don’t waste any more time.”
    Well, if that doesn’t tell me where I rate, nothing does. Elliot sank lower in his seat, glowering out the window. “You could at least show a little gratitude that I’m saving you from committing a felony.”
    The tense silence stretched until Elliot could stand it no more. He dug out his iPod and flicked the wheel to a playlist of piano songs, thankful it powered up and not caring why it worked but his phone didn’t. Beth Crowley crooned through the speakers about how things end, and Elliot settled in, prepared to sulk the whole way.
    “You’re right,” Ash said, just audible over the melody. Elliot turned it down and looked at Ash’s profile, barely visible in the obsidian deep of night. “If you weren’t being so generous, I’d have to do something I really didn’t want to do. The police are probably out in much greater numbers, and the last thing I want is to end up stuck in a cell when the shit really hits the fan. So thank you.”
    “Wow,” Elliot breathed. “Did that hurt?”
    “Did what hurt?”
    “The tiny humility in your voice.”
    To Elliot’s surprise, Ash laughed. “A little bit, yeah.”
    “Good,” he said, trying unsuccessfully to hide an amused grin. “So where are we going?”
    “Where’s that?” Elliot asked. “I’ve never gone upstate.”
    “Are you from here?”
    “And you’ve never been upstate?” Ash asked skeptically.
    “When I traveled, it was usually with my parents.”
    “What, they didn’t bother with mundane trips to the Adirondacks, is that it?” Ash asked sardonically. Elliot was aware Ash knew he was well off, but it had never seemed to matter before. It stung that he threw it in Elliot’s face now. Stress. He’s just freaked out, and so are

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